This repo is no longer under active development.
However, Buf is working on a new language server implementation that will be integrated directly into the Buf CLI.
For more information, see this PR.
is a prototype for the beginnings of a Protobuf language server compatible with
Buf modules and workspaces. This currently
only supports go-to-definition.
This is a proof-of-concept that we wanted to share with the community. We do not actively maintain this, and there are no guarantees in terms of stability, but we want to hear your feedback!
For details on where we could go with this, please refer to future work.
Regardless of the LSP-compatible editor you use, you'll need to install
so that it's available on your $PATH
go install
With vim-lsp, the only configuration you need is the following:
Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
augroup LspBuf
autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
\ 'name': 'bufls',
\ 'cmd': {server_info->['bufls', 'serve']},
\ 'whitelist': ['proto'],
\ })
autocmd FileType proto nmap <buffer> gd <plug>(lsp-definition)
augroup END
Buf's language server behaves similarly to the rest of the buf
the user has a
defined, the modules defined in the workspace
will take precedence over the modules specified in the buf.lock
(i.e. the
modules found in the module cache). The language server requires that inputs
are of the protofile type.
Go to definition resolves the definition location of a symbol at a given text document position (i.e. textDocument/definition).
This feature is currently only implemented on the textDocument/definition
endpoint. It may make sense to move this to textDocument/typeDefinition
and/or textDocument/typeImplementation
. The Protobuf grammar is far more
limited than a programming language grammar, so not all of the semantics
for each LSP endpoint apply here.
Today, this feature is only supported for messages and enums. The well-known types (WKT), and [custom] options are not yet supported.
Protobuf compilation is fast, so the implementation is currently naive. Every
editor command will compile the input file (e.g. file://proto/pet/v1/pet.proto
from scratch (there isn't any caching). Simple caching is fairly straightforward,
but the cache would need to be cleared whenever a file is edited during the same
language server session, which would require a file watcher. For now, performance
is fine as-is (even for workspaces and large modules), but we might need to revisit
this later as build graphs continue to grow.
This is just the tip of the iceberg - there's way more that a fully-featured Protobuf language server can do for the Protobuf community. For starters, the following set of endpoints are next in line:
- textDocument/completion
- textDocument/codeLens
- textDocument/foldingRange
- textDocument/formatting
- textDocument/hover
A couple features remain for full go to definition support:
- Add go to definition support for [custom] options.
- Add go to definition support for the well-known types (i.e. synthesize the WKT in the module cache).