For the people who have actually tried to message me on this topic, let me answer a few of your questions real quick.
"You removed yourself from the project?"
Yes, I no longer will develop for the virtual Display driver or its companion.
"Is this permanent or just a break"
Permenant, I no longer want to be part of the team.
"Are you okay?"
Yes, Somewhat
"Was this your decision?"
Kinda, yet kinda not, I dont want to get into it
"What will happen next?"
I imagine mike and jocke will attempt to continue development without me.
If this didnt answer any of your questions, then feel free to message me and ask more. Discord: bud3699
"You removed yourself from the project?"
Yes, I no longer will develop for the virtual Display driver or its companion.
"Is this permanent or just a break"
Permenant, I no longer want to be part of the team.
"Are you okay?"
Yes, Somewhat
"Was this your decision?"
Kinda, yet kinda not, I dont want to get into it
"What will happen next?"
I imagine mike and jocke will attempt to continue development without me.
If this didnt answer any of your questions, then feel free to message me and ask more. Discord: bud3699
😁 I’m hard working kinda guy, show me your love by giving me a follow and recommending me to your friends.
🔭 I’m currently working on my infinity base unreal plugin.
🌱 I’m currently learning ARM64 Development
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything, I love learning new things and seeing what I bring to the table
👨💻 All of my projects will be available at
💬 Ask me about anything, I'll try have a convo the best I can
📫 How to reach me [email protected] or my discord: bud3699
⚡ Fun fact The first computer bug was an actual bug, it was a moth trapped in a relay which caused it to malfunction.