My name is Rico also known as "Blume" and I'm a fullstack developer working with React, Typescript and Node.js.
For me software development is a craftsmanship where elegance and aesthetic are just as important as efficiency and functionality.
I always try to combine these aspects to create a product that people enjoy to use.
One of the projects I'm currently working on is a discord bot build with Moleculer and Discord.js. Since I usually don't hesitate to go overboard with private projects I also build the application as a microservice system which is deployed with kubernetes on a small cluster.
If you're interested in the bot you can checkout Kumo's official website or the Kumo support server
REX is a utility library for React with components, hooks and functions that don't fit into existing component libraries and solve very specific ui problems.
Check out the documentation or the source code
- Mantine - I dare to say it's the best ui library currently available in open source
- Drizzle ORM - Makes working with your database a lot easier and still provides a way to make your queries fast where it's necessary
- Biome - The shining star among formatters and linters currently
- Bun - Everything I can run with bun I will run with bun
- tRPC - Whenever I'm not already using a framework like next.js where I can use server actions I use tRPC to handle data transfer.