Read and write OMX matrices from/to the EMME databank. Can export mfs, mos, and mds, but only one type at a time and only all by number or by name. Uses the active databank in the project or else the first databank.
Arguments: emme_project scenario omx_file_name -i|e mat1 mat2 matN
SET EMMEPY="C:\Program Files\INRO\Emme\Emme 4\Emme-4.2.5\Python27\python.exe"
%EMMEPY% myproj.emp 9999 C:\projects\mats.omx -e mf1 mf2 mf3
%EMMEPY% myproj.emp 9999 C:\projects\mats.omx -i mf1 mf2 mf3
%EMMEPY% myproj.emp 9999 C:\projects\mats.omx -e mfsurvey mftime
%EMMEPY% myproj.emp 9999 C:\projects\mats.omx -i mfsurvey mftime
If the omx module cannot be found, then it may be because it was renamed to openmatrix in a later distribution. See this version of the script for a renamed package.