Computer Science & Psychology Student | Northeastern University
I’m a second-year student in the Plus One program at Northeastern University, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. I have a passion for blending tech with creativity and problem-solving, and my studies in Psychology have sparked my interest in Human-Computer Interaction. I’m eager to learn more about designing intuitive, user-centered experiences.
- 👨🏫 CS TA Role: Helping students with Java fundamentals in Northeastern’s CS 2510 course.
- 📝 MFA Form Automator: Form-signing platform for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- 🖥️ NEFAC Site Overhaul: Improving accessibility and UX for the NEFAC with an AI-powered chatbot.
- 🔥 LightEmAll: Java game with a GUI, using Kruskal’s and BFS algorithms for functional, interactive gameplay.
- 💣 Minesweeper: Built a Java Minesweeper game with a GUI, timer, flags, and randomized mines.
- 👕 Fitted App: Completed an outfit-planning app built using React Native, JavaScript, and Supabase for organizing and managing outfit photos.