This repository belongs to Grafana from Beginner to Advanced
The course covers installing and using Grafana, Graphite, and Loki on-prem and in the cloud. It also includes integrations with various databases such as InfluxDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, SQL Server, and Prometheus.
The code and binary files of Microservice(s) demonstrating how Opentelemetry signals are produced and pushed to Grafana Alloy are in /the Microservices folder (i.e., Microservices/OrderService). The code is written in C# and . NET.
You don't have to compile the code; you can download and unzip the binary files under the Microservices/releases/* folder. These binary files assume that Grafana Alloy is available locally. To change its address, open the appSettings.json file and change its URL there.
I have provided the learners with a "docker-compose" filet to launch Grafana Stack and Prometheus locally using Docker Desktop. After the launch, you will have access to:
- Grafana
- ShowHub mock data generator
- Prometheus
- Grafana Loki
- Grafana Tempo
- Grafana Alloy
- Mock microservices to generate metrics and traces (for Alloy and Tempo)
To launch the stack:
- Download the docker-compose file (or clone the entire repository)
- Copy the docker-compose file into a folder where the current logged-in user has write access.
- run
docker compose up -d
- Access http://localhost:3000 to visit Grafana.
- Prometheus, Loki and Tempo are added automatically as Grafana Datasources. Mock data, including the metrics from Shoe Hub company, OpenTelemetry metrics, and traces from microservices, are available.
You will not need to do anything other than focus on your learning! If you launch your local Grafana Stack and Prometheus, everything is set up automatically using the provided docker-compose file.
Subscribe to the Free Technology and Technology Management Courses channel for free lectures about Coding, DevOps, and Technology Management. Here is the link to the YouTube channel.
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