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thelma (short for Terra Helm Automator) is DSP-Devops' self service CLI tool for interacting with DSP infrastructure.

Thelma includes sub commands for a variety of different common use cases

The most common ones are

  1. Rendering kubernetes manifests for helm charts in the terra-helmfile repo
  2. Packaging and publishing helm charts
  3. Lifecycle management for BEEs (Branch Engineering Environment)
  4. Connect securely to Cloudsql instances

And more ... thelma --help for more info

Local Development

The Makefile has targets for facilitating local development, including:

make help    # Print out all Makefile targets w/ brief description
make build   # Compile thelma binary into output
make release # Assemble a thelma release
make test    # Run unit tests
make smoke   # Run unit and smoke tests
make cover   # View code coverage report for tests in browser

The build and release targets accept useful parameters:

# Run a cross-platform build if desired
make build OS=linux ARCH=amd64

# Assemble a cross-platform build into a release archive
make release OS=linux ARCH=arm64

Environment Setup

  1. Ensure you have the go 1.19 toolchain installed on your local machine brew install [email protected]
  2. Running thelma requires a local copy of the terra-helmfile repo. clone terra-helmfile
  3. Set the THELMA_HOME environment variable as the path to your local clone of terra-helmfile


The provided Makefile has utilities to easily run Thelma's test suites. From root of this repo make test will run all of thelma's test suites. Note to future Thelma developers Go's testing too chain runs all tests in parallel by default, be wary of this if writing any tests that rely on shared state.

make smoke will run just the smoke tests.

Both will automatically build a new thelma binary incorporating your latest changes before running the tests

Building Thelma Locally

make build will build a thelma binary incorporating the latest changes in your branch. The resulting build artifact will be output to ./output/bin/thelma, this will not interfere with other installs of thelma on your system. From there you can test new functionality by running thelma commands directly on your machine via $ ./output/bin/thelma [COMMAND] Since thelma is compiled there is no hot building. After each change you make it is necessary to rerun make build.

Common Use Cases

  1. I want to try creating a BEE using my branch of thelma: make build && ./output/bin/thelma bee create --name <UNIQUE_BEE_NAME>

  2. I want to render terra-helmfile k8s manifests for my application in my bee make build && ./output/bin/thelma render -e [BEE_NAME] -a [MY_APP]