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armactl is a cross-platform CLI tool for managing ARMA 3 servers and ARMA Reforger servers. Supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS.


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armactl is a cross-platform CLI tool for managing ARMA 3 servers. Supports Windows, Linux, and OSX.


Go Install

go install

Homebrew (Linux)

brew tap brittonhayes/armactl
brew install armactl

Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add armactl
scoop install armactl

Docker Image

docker run --rm -it --help


Download the latest release from the releases page.


To see all available commands, run armactl --help.

Mod Management

To see all available commands, run armactl mod --help.

List all mods in a directory, a preset HTML file, or check that all mods in a directory match a preset HTML file.

# List all mods in a directory
armactl mods ls -d /path/to/mods

# List all mods in preset HTML file
armactl mods ls -p /path/to/preset.html

# Check all mods in directory match preset HTML file
armactl mods ls -p /path/to/preset.html -d /path/to/mods --check

Sync your mods between directories

# Sync mods from one directory to another
armactl mods sync --from '/path/to/source/@CBA_A3' --to '/path/to/destination/@CBA_A3'

# Sync multiple comma-separated mods from one directory to another
armactl mods sync --from '/path/to/@CBA_A3,/path/to/@ace' --to '/path/to/destination/@CBA_A3,/path/to/destination/@ace'

Mod Key Management

To see all available commands, run armactl keys --help.

List all keys in a directory or copy them to a directory.

# List all the *.bikeys in a directory
armactl keys ls -d /path/to/keys

# Copy keys to a directory
armactl keys cp --from '/path/to/keys/' --to '/path/to/destination/'

Start a Server

To see all available commands, run armactl server --help.

Start a server with the given configuration.

# Start a server with two headless clients
armactl server --mods-local="@CBA_A3;@RHSUSAF" --headless-clients=2 --verbose

# Start a server in dry-run mode (no server will be started and it will print the commands that would be run)
armactl server  --verbose --dry-run

# View the server help
armactl server --help

# Usage: armactl server

# Run ARMA3 dedicated server.

# Flags:
#   -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help.
#   -v, --verbose                  Enable verbose logging.

#       --binary="./arma3server_x64"
#                                  ($ARMA_BINARY)
#       --cdlc=STRING              ($ARMA_CDLC)
#       --config="server.cfg"      ($ARMA_CONFIG)
#       --port=2302                ($ARMA_PORT)
#       --skip-install             ($SKIP_INSTALL)
#       --mods-local=;...          ($ARMA_MODS)
#       --mods-server=;...         ($ARMA_MODS_SERVER)
#       --world="empty"            ($ARMA_WORLD)
#       --limit-fps=100            ($ARMA_LIMITFPS)
#       --headless-clients=0       ($HEADLESS_CLIENTS)
#       --headless-clients-profile="hc"
#                                  ($HEADLESS_CLIENTS_PROFILE)
#       --headless-clients-server=""
#                                  ($HEADLESS_CLIENTS_SERVER)
#       --params=STRING            ($ARMA_PARAMS)
#       --profile="main"           ($ARMA_PROFILE)
#       --steam-branch="public"    ($STEAM_BRANCH)
#       --steam-branch-password=STRING
#                                  ($STEAM_BRANCH_PASSWORD)
#       --steam-user=STRING        ($STEAM_USER)
#       --steam-password=STRING    ($STEAM_PASSWORD)
#   -d, --dry-run                  ($DRY_RUN)

Steam Server Querying

To see all available commands, run armactl steam --help.

Query a server for its current status.

# Inspect the steam server at this address
armactl steam inspect

# 6:37PM INF game="Antistasi Plus - Harvest Blue" maxplayers=20 name="Antistasi" players=4


  • Mod syncing is performed using the packages from the amazing rclone tool.
  • Steam API querying is built ontop of the go-a2s library.


armactl is a cross-platform CLI tool for managing ARMA 3 servers and ARMA Reforger servers. Supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS.






