is a cross-platform CLI tool for managing ARMA 3 servers. Supports Windows, Linux, and OSX.
go install
brew tap brittonhayes/armactl
brew install armactl
scoop bucket add armactl
scoop install armactl
docker run --rm -it --help
Download the latest release from the releases page.
To see all available commands, run armactl --help
To see all available commands, run armactl mod --help
List all mods in a directory, a preset HTML file, or check that all mods in a directory match a preset HTML file.
# List all mods in a directory
armactl mods ls -d /path/to/mods
# List all mods in preset HTML file
armactl mods ls -p /path/to/preset.html
# Check all mods in directory match preset HTML file
armactl mods ls -p /path/to/preset.html -d /path/to/mods --check
Sync your mods between directories
# Sync mods from one directory to another
armactl mods sync --from '/path/to/source/@CBA_A3' --to '/path/to/destination/@CBA_A3'
# Sync multiple comma-separated mods from one directory to another
armactl mods sync --from '/path/to/@CBA_A3,/path/to/@ace' --to '/path/to/destination/@CBA_A3,/path/to/destination/@ace'
To see all available commands, run armactl keys --help
List all keys in a directory or copy them to a directory.
# List all the *.bikeys in a directory
armactl keys ls -d /path/to/keys
# Copy keys to a directory
armactl keys cp --from '/path/to/keys/' --to '/path/to/destination/'
To see all available commands, run armactl server --help
Start a server with the given configuration.
# Start a server with two headless clients
armactl server --mods-local="@CBA_A3;@RHSUSAF" --headless-clients=2 --verbose
# Start a server in dry-run mode (no server will be started and it will print the commands that would be run)
armactl server --verbose --dry-run
# View the server help
armactl server --help
# Usage: armactl server
# Run ARMA3 dedicated server.
# Flags:
# -h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
# -v, --verbose Enable verbose logging.
# --binary="./arma3server_x64"
# --cdlc=STRING ($ARMA_CDLC)
# --config="server.cfg" ($ARMA_CONFIG)
# --port=2302 ($ARMA_PORT)
# --skip-install ($SKIP_INSTALL)
# --mods-local=;... ($ARMA_MODS)
# --mods-server=;... ($ARMA_MODS_SERVER)
# --world="empty" ($ARMA_WORLD)
# --limit-fps=100 ($ARMA_LIMITFPS)
# --headless-clients=0 ($HEADLESS_CLIENTS)
# --headless-clients-profile="hc"
# --headless-clients-server=""
# --params=STRING ($ARMA_PARAMS)
# --profile="main" ($ARMA_PROFILE)
# --steam-branch="public" ($STEAM_BRANCH)
# --steam-branch-password=STRING
# --steam-user=STRING ($STEAM_USER)
# --steam-password=STRING ($STEAM_PASSWORD)
# -d, --dry-run ($DRY_RUN)
To see all available commands, run armactl steam --help
Query a server for its current status.
# Inspect the steam server at this address
armactl steam inspect
# 6:37PM INF game="Antistasi Plus - Harvest Blue" maxplayers=20 name="Antistasi" players=4