#Molecule-Mash ##MHacks(2014) ##Authors:
Brian Wang
Justin Matsnev
Mitchell Malinin
Eric Friedman
###Description Educational Chemistry game geared towards younger students. An interactive way to learn about basic elements, molecules, bonds, special types of molecules, and many other chemistry concepts. Basic levels consist of tapping on elements to combine them in order to make molecules. Finish the series of molecules as fast as possible to gain the best time!
- Honorable Mention by Apple as one of top iOS Apps at the Hackathon
- Features 14 Elements and over 30 PolyAtomic Molecules
- Set for 10+ levels, each with their respective themes
- Easy to use interface with reponsive particle effects
###What is working
- Buttons
- ScrollView
- Basic Reset at 3 atoms
- StartScene
- Level Select
- Pause Menu
- Level1
- PostGamePopUp
- TutorialArrows
###What isn't working
- A rearchitectured Level structure (Hard coded since we didn't have any time)
- Bouncing of the ScrollView
- Some buttons on PostGamePopUp aren't working
- Make the game more expedient and fast (reduce the timers and delays)
- Seperate Gases and Metals into two different scroll bars
- add A LOT of levels
- restructure the game architecture (learn how to use Owner Root Variables)
- add sound
- finish the 10 levels
- add an enless gamemode