This is a Nodeserver for Polyglot v2 that interfaces with the NodeJs Pool Controller application allowing the ISY 994i to control your Pentair pool equipment.
- First install Polyglot V2 and nodejs-poolController if you haven't already
- Clone or copy the files from this repository into the folder ~/.polyglot/nodeservers/nodejs-pool-controller-polyglotv2
- Log into the Polyglot V2 Dashboard and navigate to "Nodeservers" > "Add Nodeserver"
- Choose the "Local (Co-resident with Polyglot)" node server type then choose "Pool" in the from the available node servers
- Navigate to the "Dashboard", then choose "Details" on the Pool NodeServer, then choose "Configuration" and add the base url to your nodejs-poolController application installation as a "Custom Configuration Parameter" with a key of "api_url"
api_url: http://localhost:3000
- There are 20 circuits available from nodejs-poolController and if you're not using them all you can list all the unused circuit ids to avoid having them inserted in as nodes. To do this add a "Custom Configuration Parameter" with a key of "circuits_not_used"
circuits_not_used: '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20'
- Restart the NodeServer