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Added ggplot-based graphing to FitCurves
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Calls to long-based, multi-series graphing based on participant index.  
Works with single+ series, likely extensible to the 100's or 1000's if needed.
Likely to be supplemented with a "Group" tag or similar, for residual/group comparisons or overall group fit comparisons.
  • Loading branch information
miyamot0 committed May 14, 2016
1 parent cb7e6dd commit d2df013
Showing 1 changed file with 222 additions and 100 deletions.
322 changes: 222 additions & 100 deletions R/analyze.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,131 +35,253 @@
## link @
## license @
## @ggplot2 (R package) = Grammar of Graphics plotting library (Copyright 2016 - Hadley Wickham - GPLv2)
## link @
## license @

##' Analyzes purchase task data
##' Analyzes purchase task data
##' @title FitCurves
##' @param mat data frame (long form) of purchase task data.
##' @param equation Character vector of length one. Accepts either "hs" for Hursh and Silberberg (2008) or "koff" for Koffarnus, Franck, Stein, and Bickel (2015). If "hs" and the first price (x) is 0, it will be replaced by replfree.
##' @param k A numeric vector of length one. Reflects the range of consumption in log10 units. If none provided, k will be calculated based on the max/min of the entire sample
##' @param remq0e If TRUE, removes consumption and price where price == 0. Default value is FALSE
##' @param replfree Optionally replaces price == 0 with specified value. Note, if fitting using equation == "hs", and 0 is first price, 0 gets replaced by replfree. Default value is .01
##' @param rem0 If TRUE, removes all 0s in consumption data prior to analysis. Default value is FALSE.
##' @param plotting If TRUE, removes all 0s in consumption data prior to analysis. Default value is FALSE.
##' @return Data frame, fitting params and CI's/SE's
##' @author Shawn Gilroy <[email protected]> Brent Kaplan <>
##' @export
FitCurves <- function(mat, equation, k = NULL, remq0e = FALSE, replfree = NULL, rem0 = FALSE) {
FitCurves <- function(mat, equation, k = NULL, remq0e = FALSE, replfree = NULL, rem0 = FALSE, plotting=FALSE) {

## Assert not Inf
if (is.infinite(k))
warning("k is Inf. I will calculate a k based on the entire sample.")
k <- log10(max(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"])) - log10(min(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"]))

## If no k is provided
if (is.null(k))
k <- log10(max(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"])) - log10(min(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"]))

## Get N unique participants, informing loop
participants <- length(unique(mat$p))

## Preallocate for speed
cnames <- c("Participant", "Q0e", "BP0", "BP1", "Omaxe", "Pmaxe", "Equation", "Q0", "K",
"R2", "Alpha", "Q0se", "Alphase", "N", "AbsSS", "SdRes", "Q0Low", "Q0High",
"AlphaLow", "AlphaHigh", "EV", "Omaxd", "Pmaxd", "Notes")

dfres <- data.frame(matrix(vector(),
dimnames = list(c(), c(cnames))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Loop through unique values as indices, not necessarily sequentially
for (i in unique(mat$p))
dfres[i, "Participant"] <- i
dfres[i, "Equation"] <- equation

adf <- NULL
adf <- mat[mat$p == i, ]
adf[, "expend"] <- adf$x * adf$y
adf[, "k"] <- k

## Find empirical Q0, BP0, BP1
dfres[i, "Q0e"] <- if (0 %in% adf$x) adf[adf$x == 0, "y"] else NA
dfres[i, "BP0"] <- if (0 %in% adf$y) min(adf[adf$y == 0, "x"]) else NA
dfres[i, "BP1"] <- if (!0 %in% adf$y) max(adf[adf$y != 0, "x"]) else NA

## Find empirical Pmax, Omax
dfres[i, "Omaxe"] <- max(adf$expend)
dfres[i, "Pmaxe"] <- adf[max(which(adf$expend == max(adf$expend))), "x"]

if (equation == "hs")
## If retain y where x = 0, replace
if (remq0e)
adf <- adf[adf$x != 0, ]
} else
replfree <- if (is.null(replfree)) 0.01 else replfree
adf[adf$x == 0, "x"] <- replfree

## Drop any zero consumption points altogether
adf <- adf[adf$y != 0, ]

fit <- NULL
try(fit <- nlmrt::wrapnls(data = adf,
(log(y)/log(10)) ~ (log(q0)/log(10)) + k * (exp(-alpha * q0 * x) - 1),
start = list(q0 = 10, alpha = 0.01),
control = list(maxiter = 1000)), silent = TRUE)

if (!is.null(fit))
dfres[i, c("Q0", "Alpha")] <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[c("q0", "alpha")])
dfres[i, "K"] <- min(adf$k)
dfres[i, c("Q0se", "Alphase")] <- summary(fit)[[10]][c(1, 2), 2]
dfres[i, "N"] <- length(adf$k)
dfres[i, "R2"] <- 1.0 - (deviance(fit)/sum((log10(adf$y) - mean(log10(adf$y)))^2))
dfres[i, "AbsSS"] <- deviance(fit)
dfres[i, "SdRes"] <- sqrt(deviance(fit)/df.residual(fit))
dfres[i, c("Q0Low", "Q0High")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(1, 3)]
dfres[i, c("AlphaLow", "AlphaHigh")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(2, 4)]
dfres[i, "EV"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5) * 100)
dfres[i, "Pmaxd"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5)) *
(0.083 * dfres[i, "K"] + 0.65)
dfres[i, "Omaxd"] <- (10^(log10(dfres[i, "Q0"]) + (dfres[i, "K"] * (exp(-dfres[i, "Alpha"] *
dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]) - 1)))) * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]
} else
if (equation == "koff")
if (rem0)
adf <- adf[adf$y != 0, ]

## Assert not Inf
if (is.infinite(k)) {
warning("k is Inf. I will calculate a k based on the entire sample.")
k <- log10(max(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"])) - log10(min(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"]))
fit <- NULL
try(fit <- nlmrt::wrapnls(data = adf,
y ~ q0 * 10^(k * (exp(-alpha * q0 * x) - 1)),
start = list(q0 = 10, alpha = 0.01),
control = list(maxiter = 1000)), silent = TRUE)

if (!is.null(fit))
dfres[i, c("Q0", "Alpha")] <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[c("q0", "alpha")])
dfres[i, "K"] <- min(adf$k)
dfres[i, c("Q0se", "Alphase")] <- summary(fit)[[10]][c(1, 2), 2]
dfres[i, "N"] <- length(adf$k)
dfres[i, "R2"] <- 1.0 -(deviance(fit)/sum((adf$y - mean(adf$y))^2))
dfres[i, "AbsSS"] <- deviance(fit)
dfres[i, "SdRes"] <- sqrt(deviance(fit)/df.residual(fit))
dfres[i, c("Q0Low", "Q0High")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(1, 3)]
dfres[i, c("AlphaLow", "AlphaHigh")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(2, 4)]
dfres[i, "EV"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5) * 100)
dfres[i, "Pmaxd"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5)) *
(0.083 * dfres[i, "K"] + 0.65)
dfres[i, "Omaxd"] <- (dfres[i, "Q0"] * (10^(dfres[i, "K"] * (exp(-dfres[i, "Alpha"] *
dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]) - 1)))) * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]

## Can add this to build tools and remove later, just added for now -sg

## If no k is provided
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- log10(max(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"])) - log10(min(mat[mat$y > 1, "y"]))
if(!require(ggplot2)) {

## Get unique participants, informing loop
participants <- length(unique(mat$p))
xDraw <- seq(min(mat$x), max(mat$x), 0.01)

## Preallocate for speed
cnames <- c("Participant", "Q0e", "BP0", "BP1", "Omaxe", "Pmaxe", "Equation", "Q0", "K",
"R2", "Alpha", "Q0se", "Alphase", "N", "AbsSS", "SdRes", "Q0Low", "Q0High",
"AlphaLow", "AlphaHigh", "EV", "Omaxd", "Pmaxd", "Notes")
p.rep <- seq(1,max(mat$p),1)

dfres <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), participants, length(cnames),
dimnames = list(c(), c(cnames))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
graphFrame<-data.frame(Individual=rep(seq(min(p.rep), max(p.rep),1),each=length(xDraw)),

## Loop through unique values as indices, not necessarily sequentially
for (i in unique(mat$p)) {
dfres[i, "Participant"] <- i
dfres[i, "Equation"] <- equation
adf <- NULL
adf <- mat[mat$p == i, ]
adf[, "expend"] <- adf$x * adf$y
adf[, "k"] <- k
pointFrame <- NULL

## Find empirical Q0, BP0, BP1
dfres[i, "Q0e"] <- if (0 %in% adf$x) adf[adf$x == 0, "y"] else NA
dfres[i, "BP0"] <- if (0 %in% adf$y) min(adf[adf$y == 0, "x"]) else NA
dfres[i, "BP1"] <- if (!0 %in% adf$y) max(adf[adf$y != 0, "x"]) else NA
for(i in unique(mat$p))
qTemp <- dfres[i,]$Q0
aTemp <- dfres[i,]$Alpha
kTemp <- dfres[i,]$K

## Find empirical Pmax, Omax
dfres[i, "Omaxe"] <- max(adf$expend)
dfres[i, "Pmaxe"] <- adf[max(which(adf$expend == max(adf$expend))), "x"]
for (j in 1:length(xDraw))
### mapped fittings, based on model
if (equation == "hs")
graphFrame[ graphFrame$Individual==i & graphFrame$DemandSeries==as.numeric(j),]$YSeries <- log10(qTemp) + kTemp * (exp(-aTemp*qTemp*xDraw[j])-1)
}else if (equation == "koff")
graphFrame[ graphFrame$Individual==i & graphFrame$DemandSeries==as.numeric(j),]$YSeries <- qTemp * 10^(kTemp * (exp(-aTemp * qTemp * xDraw[j]) - 1))

if (equation == "hs") {
### Base domain
graphFrame[ graphFrame$Individual==i & graphFrame$DemandSeries==as.numeric(j),]$XSeries <- xDraw[j]

axis_mod <- function(l) {
l <- paste("10^", l, sep = "")

if (equation == "hs")
pointFrame <- data.frame(X=mat$x, Y=log10(mat$y), Individual=mat$p)

logChart <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data=graphFrame, aes(x=XSeries, y=YSeries, group=Individual, colour = factor(Individual))) +
geom_point(data=pointFrame, aes(x=pointFrame$X, y=pointFrame$Y, shape=factor(Individual))) +
expand_limits(y=0) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
ggtitle("Fitted Demand Curves\n") +
ylab("log(Consumption)") +
breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))
) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=axis_mod) +
annotation_logticks(sides = "b") +
xlab("log(Price)") +
theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
theme(legend.direction = "vertical") +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank()) +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3))


}else if (equation == "koff")
pointFrame <- data.frame(X=mat$x, Y=mat$y, Individual=mat$p)

logChart <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data=graphFrame, aes(x=XSeries, y=YSeries, group=Individual, colour = factor(Individual))) +
geom_point(data=pointFrame, aes(x=pointFrame$X, y=pointFrame$Y, shape=factor(Individual))) +
expand_limits(y=0) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
ggtitle("Fitted Demand Curves\n") +
ylab("log(Consumption)") +
breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))
) +
annotation_logticks(sides = "b") +
xlab("log(Price)") +
theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
theme(legend.direction = "vertical") +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank()) +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3))


## If retain y where x = 0, replace
if (remq0e) {
adf <- adf[adf$x != 0, ]
} else {
replfree <- if (is.null(replfree)) 0.01 else replfree
adf[adf$x == 0, "x"] <- replfree

## Drop any zero consumption points altogether
adf <- adf[adf$y != 0, ]

fit <- NULL
try(fit <- nlmrt::wrapnls(data = adf,
(log(y)/log(10)) ~ (log(q0)/log(10)) + k * (exp(-alpha * q0 * x) - 1),
start = list(q0 = 10, alpha = 0.01),
control = list(maxiter = 1000)), silent = TRUE)

if (!is.null(fit)) {
dfres[i, c("Q0", "Alpha")] <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[c("q0", "alpha")])
dfres[i, "K"] <- min(adf$k)
dfres[i, c("Q0se", "Alphase")] <- summary(fit)[[10]][c(1, 2), 2]
dfres[i, "N"] <- length(adf$k)
dfres[i, "R2"] <- 1.0 - (deviance(fit)/sum((log10(adf$y) - mean(log10(adf$y)))^2))
dfres[i, "AbsSS"] <- deviance(fit)
dfres[i, "SdRes"] <- sqrt(deviance(fit)/df.residual(fit))
dfres[i, c("Q0Low", "Q0High")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(1, 3)]
dfres[i, c("AlphaLow", "AlphaHigh")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(2, 4)]
dfres[i, "EV"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5) * 100)
dfres[i, "Pmaxd"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5)) *
(0.083 * dfres[i, "K"] + 0.65)
dfres[i, "Omaxd"] <- (10^(log10(dfres[i, "Q0"]) + (dfres[i, "K"] * (exp(-dfres[i, "Alpha"] *
dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]) - 1)))) * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]
} else {
if (equation == "koff") {

if (rem0) {
adf <- adf[adf$y != 0, ]

fit <- NULL
try(fit <- nlmrt::wrapnls(data = adf,
y ~ q0 * 10^(k * (exp(-alpha * q0 * x) - 1)),
start = list(q0 = 10, alpha = 0.01),
control = list(maxiter = 1000)), silent = TRUE)

if (!is.null(fit)) {
dfres[i, c("Q0", "Alpha")] <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[c("q0", "alpha")])
dfres[i, "K"] <- min(adf$k)
dfres[i, c("Q0se", "Alphase")] <- summary(fit)[[10]][c(1, 2), 2]
dfres[i, "N"] <- length(adf$k)
dfres[i, "R2"] <- 1.0 -(deviance(fit)/sum((adf$y - mean(adf$y))^2))
dfres[i, "AbsSS"] <- deviance(fit)
dfres[i, "SdRes"] <- sqrt(deviance(fit)/df.residual(fit))
dfres[i, c("Q0Low", "Q0High")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(1, 3)]
dfres[i, c("AlphaLow", "AlphaHigh")] <- nlstools::confint2(fit)[c(2, 4)]
dfres[i, "EV"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5) * 100)
dfres[i, "Pmaxd"] <- 1/(dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Alpha"] * (dfres[i, "K"] ^ 1.5)) *
(0.083 * dfres[i, "K"] + 0.65)
dfres[i, "Omaxd"] <- (dfres[i, "Q0"] * (10^(dfres[i, "K"] * (exp(-dfres[i, "Alpha"] *
dfres[i, "Q0"] * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]) - 1)))) * dfres[i, "Pmaxd"]


##' Analyzes a dataframe and returns the regression model.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,4 +513,4 @@ calcAUC <- function(dfs, qmaxs = NULL) {
aucs <- sapply(dfs, cauc)
aucs <- aucs / maxauc

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