This repository can be used as a template to automate jobs using github workflows. This repository contains scripts that are useful to Tellor users.
Setup github workflow.
Fork the repo tellorutils:
Each script needs to be scheduled with a .yml file saved under the .github->workflows folder.
Create a copy of template.yml under .github/workflows
Name it appropriately
Update the parameters in the file created on step 2.
Name: this will be the name of the job and will appear as the subject on the notification email if the job fails.
Update the “schedule:” to how often and what time you need this to run.
More documentation on scheduling jobs can be found here:
On line 22 replace “network” with the specific network. For example: mainnet, rinkeby, goerli, etc.
On line 22 replace “reqId” to the request Id you want to tip
Save your changes
Commit your changes to your new repo
git add .
git commit -m “scheduled tips for request id x”
git push origin main
**Note: your changes must be pushed to the “main” branch for the workflows to execute.
The scripts use the ethers.js library to interact with the blockchain. This repo does not currently run using truffle.
Save any ABI files under the abi folder. The "abi" folder currently contains the abi for Tellor and TellorPlayground.
This repo contains a file named .env.example to be used as a guide to create a .env to test the scripts locally before scheduling them on the github workflows. Once your scripts run locally add secrets to the repo (the .gitignore file included ensures your .env file is not loaded).
From the repo
- Go to "Settings" on the horizontal menu bar
- Go to "Secrets" on the left-hand side menu
- Click on the "New repository secret" on the top right-hand side to add secrets.
- Add all the variables in the .env file as secrets
Note: If you click "Update" on any of the existing secrets, they will appear empty.
More documentation about [github secrets] (
Update your notifications to be notified when jobs fail.
From the repo
- Go to "Settings" on the horizontal menu bar
- Go to "Notificatons" on the left-hand side bar to update your notifications
If the script fails it will send a message to the registered github email and the logs are available under “Actions”
If the scripts fail, you will be notified. To run the scripts manually:
- Clone the repo
- Add a .env file based on the .env.example
- run "npm install"
- run the commands after "- run:" in the corresponding workflow file in the order they appear.
Have fun automating!