BlackHoleDB (or only HoleDB) is a conceptual Key-Value distributed Database. HoleDB uses IPFS as decentralized filesystem, and BadgerDB as store for local key value pairs.
Warning: BlackHole is work in progress, please don't use it in production.
BlackHoleDB creates an encrypted file into IPFS filesystem and this return an Qm name (the decentralized path), this Qm path is saved into BadgerDB instance as value where the key is the initial key choose. When you want get your value from the distributed web BlackHoleDB get the Qm linked your key (from BadgerDB) and with this Qm path HoleDB gets the encrypted file from IPFS and finally it decrypted it.
Example code:
options := blackhole.DefaultOptions
db, err := blackhole.Open(options)
if err != nil {
key := "answer"
err = db.Set(key, []byte("Hello World, from BlackHoleDB"))
if err != nil {
data, err := db.Get(key)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Answer: ", string(data))
// Answer: Hello World, from BlackHoleDB
You can configure the params of your blackhole instance, you can see the struct related above.
type Options struct {
PrivateKey []byte // Your encoding key
EndPointConnection string // Your IPFS Node endpoint
PrincipalNode string // Useless now (WIP)
LocalDBDir string // Your Local Badger DB
LocalDBValueDir string // Your Local Badger DB
The default configuration is:
var DefaultOptions *Options = &Options{
LocalDBDir: "/tmp/badger",
LocalDBValueDir: "/tmp/badger",
EndPointConnection: "localhost:5001",
// Note: You need to define your privateKey like this:
// opts.PrivateKey, _ = hex.DecodeString("44667768254d593b7ea48c3327c18a651f6031554ca4f5e3e641f6ff1ea72e98")
package main
import (
func main() {
db, err := blackhole.Open(blackhole.DefaultOptions)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
err = db.Set("answer", []byte("42"))
if err != nil {
answer, err := db.Get("answer")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("The answer of the life is: ", string(answer))
// The answer of the life is: 42
- Improve the security
- Make Blackhole a metaDB. Save all param configurations on Distributed web (IPFS)
- Use MsgPack to serialize the data
- Create an ORM layer to save complex structs
BlackHoleDB is an open source project and contributors are welcome!