This is just one of several places where I tinker with ideas, burn the midnight oil, fix bugs and inadvertently end up creating more of them in the end, but alas… c'est la vie d'un développeur.
👔 | I’m currently employed at Carevoyance at Definitive Healthcare. |
📚 | I’m currently learning Svelte, SvelteKit, D3, LayerCake, PostGreSQL. |
👯 | I’m looking to collaborate on a new idea surrounding git versioning. |
🤝 | I’m looking for help maintaining and growing TypedCSS. |
👨💻 | Explore some of my tinkering on CodePen. |
💬 | Ask me about CSS, SCSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, React, or Svelte. |
📫 | You can reach me on Twitter or via email. |
📄 | Learn more about my professional experience on LinkedIn or download my resume. |
⚡ | When I'm not flushing out lines of code faster than Eminem raps (or occasionally staring at my screen blankly), I enjoy traveling 🏔, photography 📸, playing sports 🏓, hiking 🥾, and spending time with friends and family 👨👩👧👦. |
- Answer by Brandon McConnell for Performance of Array.flat() vs spread operator to flatten multiple arrays into one
- Answer by Brandon McConnell for JavaScript map & find at the same time: findMap?
- Boolean truthiness narrowing not working in Typescript
- Answer by Brandon McConnell for Adding tabindex dynamically
- Prevent merging of branch conditionally based on label
- RT @adamwathan: ✨ Tailwind CSS v4.0 is here! Huge performance improvements, radically simplified setup experience, CSS-first configuration…
- @chuga Hi, Andres! I have an idea in mind which I think could really enhance the experience for the lives of those using Copilot, but as a 3rd-party app. Is there a way I can integrate with Copilot via an API to perform queries like: – get list of categories (with spent & budget figures) – recurring payment details – list of transactions – etc. I could build this with Plaid directly, but much of my idea involves budgeting, and I would rather partner with Copilot and allow users to craft those budgets in Copilot and then be able to reference them in my app than to compete and have users redefine their budgets all over again. Thanks, and keep up the awesome work! My wife and I are long-time us
- @The8uff3r @adamwathan Everything you did in v3 still works 99% the same. The Tailwind Labs team is just adding additional CSS features natively into v4. In v3, the same rule would’ve looked like this: supports-[not_(hanging-punctation:var(--tw))]:px-4 This is drastically simplified now 🙂
- @_coopergadd @jh3yy @raycastapp Figures haha. That display is unparalleled. Did you get the nano-textured glass?
- @_coopergadd @jh3yy @raycastapp What monitor is it? I'm in the market now 👀