For macOS/OS X/Linux/Unix (Windows users see OpenTX Speaker). Uses say
command for speech synthesis and sox
for conversion of your own custom sounds for use by OpenTX 2.2.x. See OpenTX Audio reference.
Sample: hello.wav (right click and download linked file).
- Using navigate to your local OpenTX Companion folder, e.g.:
$ cd ~/Documents/RC/Open\ TX
- Clone this repository and navigate to local copy:
$ git clone git://
$ cd OpenTX-custom-sounds
- Open sound configuration files to edit (and save), if desired:
$ open custom.txt
$ open system.txt
Expected format is a six character name (a-z, dashes) and the text to be read, separated by a tab character.
Sounds in
should have the same names as and will overwrite existing system sounds or they won't be usable (without editing sound mappings).
- Create your sounds:
$ ./
- -l: Specify language code. Default is
. - -o: Specify output directories separated by a colon
. Will try to create them if they don't exist. Default is../SD structure/SOUNDS
. - -p: Play the sounds while generating them.
- -v: Specify voice to use. Default is Karen. Run
say -v '?'
to see available voices.
$ ./
$ ./ -l fr
$ ./ -o '../SD structure/SOUNDS:/Volumes/Taranis SD/SOUNDS'
$ ./ -p
$ ./ -v Daniel
$ ./ -l de -o ~/Desktop/OpenTX\ Sounds -p -v Kate