A full featured Ecommerce website built with Next.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL and Prisma.
This project is from my Next.js Ecommerce course
- Traversy Media: https://www.traversymedia.com/nextjs-ecommerce
- Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/nextjs-ecommerce-course
- Next Auth authentication
- Admin area with stats & chart using Recharts
- Order, product and user management
- User area with profile and orders
- Stripe API integration
- PayPal integration
- Cash on delivery option
- Interactive checkout process
- Featured products with banners
- Multiple images using Uploadthing
- Ratings & reviews system
- Search form (customer & admin)
- Sorting, filtering & pagination
- Dark/Light mode
- Much more
npm install
Note: Some dependencies may have not yet been upadated to support React 19. If you get any errors about depencency compatability, run the following:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Rename the .example-env
file to .env
and add the following
Sign up for a free PostgreSQL database through Vercel. Log into Vercel and click on "Storage" and create a new Postgres database. Then add the URL.
Generate a secret with the following command and add it to your .env
openssl rand -base64 32
Create a PayPal developer account and create a new app to get the client ID and secret.
Create a Stripe account and get the publishable and secret key.
Sign up for an account at https://uploadthing.com/ and get the token, secret and app ID.
Sign up for an account at https://resend.io/ and get the API key.
# Run in development mode
npm run dev
# Build for production
npm run build
# Run in production mode
npm start
# Export static site
npm run export
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
To open Prisma Studio, run the following command:
npx prisma studio
To seed the database with sample data, run the following command:
npx tsx ./db/seed
I am not sure how long I will have this demo up but you can view it here:
After deploying your app you may be getting a build error along the lines of:
The Edge Function "middleware size is 1.03 MB and your plan size limit is 1MB
For the solution to resolve this please see Brads Gist here
There is also a new lesson added for this fix at the end of the course - Vercel Hobby Tier Fix
If a logged in user adds items to their cart and logs out then a different user logs in on the same machine, they will inherit the first users cart.
To fix this we can delete the current users Cart from the database in our lib/actions/user.actions.ts signOutUser
Changes can be seen in lib/actions/user.actions.ts
If a user knows the Order.id
of another users order it is possible for them to
visit /order/<Order.id> and see that other users order. This isn't likely to
happen in reality but should be something we protect against by redirecting the
user to our /unauthorized page if they are not the owner of the order.
In app/(root)/order/[id]/page.tsx we can import the redirect
function from Next:
import { notFound, redirect } from 'next/navigation';
Then check if the user is the owner of the order and redirect them if not:
// Redirect the user if they don't own the order
if (order.userId !== session?.user.id && session?.user.role !== 'admin') {
return redirect('/unauthorized');
Changes can be seen in app/(root)/order/[id]/page.tsx
On our /cart page you may notice that when you increment or decrement the
quantity of an item in the cart, then the loader shows for all buttons after we
click. This is because all the buttons use the same pending state from our
use of useTransition
in our app/(root)/cart/cart-table.tsx
We can solve this by breaking out the Buttons into their own AddButton
components, each using their own useTransition
and so having
their own pending state.
You can if you wish move these components to their own files/modules but for ease of following along they can be seen in the same file.
Changes can be seen in app/(root)/cart/cart-table.tsx
In our app/not-found.tsx we currently have:
className='mt-4 ml-2'
onClick={() => (window.location.href = '/')}
Back To Home
So we navigate the user back to the home page with a JavaScript click event,
but this should really be a <a />
(link) instead.
So we can change the code to:
<Button variant='outline' className='mt-4 ml-2' asChild>
<Link href='/'>Back To Home</Link>
Changes can be seen in app/not-found.tsx
MIT License
Copyright (c) [2025] [Traversy Media]
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall