Shotizam analyzes the size of Go binaries and outputs SQL with size info for analysis in SQLite3.
$ shotizam --sqlite /some/go.binary
SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-04-15 14:49:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .width 40
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> select func, sum(size) from bin where func <> '' group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
unicode.init 21528
debug/dwarf.init 13764
fmt.(*pp).printValue 11941
debug/macho.NewFile 10017
time.Time.AppendFormat 9949
runtime.gentraceback 8278
debug/elf.NewFile 7631
runtime.selectgo 6722
encoding/binary.Read 6555
main.main 6476
internal/ 6373
time.LoadLocationFromTZData 5795
fmt.(*pp).doPrintf 5520
runtime.findrunnable 5287
runtime.typesEqual 4843
time.nextStdChunk 4736
time.ParseDuration 4440
time.loadTzinfoFromZip 4234
runtime.(*pageAlloc).find 4109
runtime.heapBitsSetType 3938
sqlite> select what, sum(size) from bin group by 1;
TODO 1370985
fixedheader 101800
funcdata 99656
funcname 63062
pcdata0-regmap 54361
pcdata1-stackmap 47977
pcdata2-inltree 40024
pcfile 38544
pcln 141103
pcsp 36478
text 896722
sqlite> select pkg, sum(size) from bin where pkg <> '' group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
runtime 621236
reflect 187926
fmt 61727
time 58786
strconv 55817
syscall 39481
debug/elf 37070
os 36707
compress/flate 31462
debug/macho 27117
encoding/binary 26637
os/exec 26599
internal/reflectlite 23687
unicode 22316
sync 21322
flag 20871
debug/dwarf 17692
internal/poll 17092
strings 15511
sort 14992
sqlite> select func, length(func) from bin order by 2 desc limit 5;
type..eq.[67]struct { runtime.size uint3 89
type..eq.[67]struct { runtime.size uint3 89
type..eq.[67]struct { runtime.size uint3 89
type..eq.[67]struct { runtime.size uint3 89
type..eq.[67]struct { runtime.size uint3 89
sqlite> select func, sum(size) from bin where what = 'pcfile' and func <> '' group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
internal/ 268
fmt.(*pp).printValue 227
encoding/binary.Read 195
os.Getwd 174
runtime.sighandler 172
runtime.(*pageAlloc).scavengeOne 153
runtime.findrunnable 148
debug/macho.NewFile 131
runtime.selectgo 130
syscall.forkAndExecInChild 129
main.main 123
runtime.(*mspan).sweep 123
internal/fmtsort.nilCompare 119
runtime.growslice 119
debug/elf.NewFile 112
fmt.intFromArg 107
runtime.greyobject 105
runtime.evacuate_fast64 103
runtime.mapaccess2_faststr 101
runtime.evacuate 99
sqlite> select func, sum(size) from bin where what = 'pcln' and func <> '' group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
time.Time.AppendFormat 1347
runtime.gentraceback 1132
runtime.selectgo 1102
fmt.(*pp).printValue 1027
runtime.findrunnable 830
runtime.heapBitsSetType 794
internal/ 720
runtime.memmove 720
debug/macho.NewFile 692
fmt.(*pp).doPrintf 638
encoding/binary.Read 616
runtime.runGCProg 613
syscall.forkAndExecInChild 552
debug/elf.NewFile 539
runtime.mallocgc 532
time.LoadLocationFromTZData 530
runtime.duffcopy 528
aeshashbody 518
runtime.(*mspan).sweep 502
runtime.sighandler 478
sqlite> select * from bin limit 30;
go.buildid fixedheader 40
go.buildid text 112
go.buildid funcname 11
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c fixedheader 40
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c pcsp 13
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c pcfile 5
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c pcln 21
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c pcdata0-reg 22
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c pcdata1-sta 21
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c text 80
internal/cpu.Initialize internal/c funcname 24
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c fixedheader 40
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c pcsp 24
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c pcfile 6
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c pcln 167
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c pcdata0-reg 30
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c pcdata1-sta 60
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c text 1792
internal/cpu.processOptions internal/c funcname 28
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c fixedheader 40
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c pcsp 9
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c pcfile 5
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c pcln 21
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c pcdata0-reg 22
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c text 64
internal/cpu.indexByte internal/c funcname 23
internal/cpu.doinit internal/c fixedheader 40
internal/cpu.doinit internal/c pcsp 22
internal/cpu.doinit internal/c pcfile 5
internal/cpu.doinit internal/c pcln 159
For fun bugs to make Go smaller, see