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hasan-yaman edited this page Mar 24, 2019 · 18 revisions

User Scenario 1


  • Cansu enters the home page.


  • Cansu clicks the article which stands first place of the recommended articles.


  • Cansu rates the article, just reads and makes comment about it. She rates the article by clicking on the stars, she gave 5 stars to this article. Also, she likes the article by clicking "thumbs up" icon.


  • Cansu clicks on a user in the comment section and goes to her profile page. She follows the user which she saw at the comment section.


  • Cansu views the prediction success rates of the user.


User Scenario 2


  • Kâni checks his profit/loss amount on the Profit/Loss page. profitloss

  • Kâni enters his Portfolio page. portfolio

  • Kâni goes to his favorite trading equipment's page and makes a prediction about the trading equipment. tradingequipment

User Scenario 3


  • Ugur checks his investment on the My Investments page. myinvestments1

  • Ugur goes to Events section and sees a trading competition by Genesis Vision that is one of the cryptocurrencies.


  • Ugur thinks this cryptocurrency's price will increase, so he buys it. myinvestments2
  • Ugur sets sell order that if cryptocurrency's price that he bought increases a specific amount, he will sell half of his own cryptocurrency. SellOrder
  • Ugur sets alert about the cryptocurrency so that he could buy them if the cryptocurrency's price will decrease. Alert
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