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Meeting #3 28.02.2019

semihakgul edited this page Mar 3, 2019 · 5 revisions

Meeting 3


  1. The retrospective of the last week.
  2. Review of feedback for assignment 1 and 2.
  3. Determine how we will reorganize the requirements according to given feedback.
  4. Determine how we will write scenarios.
  5. Determine how we will create mockups.


Date 28.02.2019
Time 15.15
Location BM A5
Note Taker İbrahim Kamacı


  1. Alkım Ece Toprak
  2. Alperen Değirmenci
  3. Aysu Sayın
  4. Bekir Yıldırım
  5. Burak Enes Çakıcı
  6. Cumhur Kılıç
  7. Doğa Yüksel
  8. Hasan Yaman
  9. İbrahim Kamacı
  10. Metin Dumandağ
  11. Semih Akgül

Meeting Notes

  1. We reviewed instances of the feedback that took from our customer one by one and discussed what we should
  2. According to discussion we assigned team members to fix the errors in the requirements page
  3. Semih Akgül clarified our team-members about how to organize mock up with respect to instructions on the PS Section on Tuesday.
  4. We planned 3 scenarios in order to demonstrate as much as possible features of our platform.
  5. We decided mock up design by looking examples of trader platforms.
  6. We discussed day of next meeting and rescheduled our meeting day.

Action Items

Person Action Deadline
1 Alkım Fix requirements in the direction of meeting with the customer 03.03.2019 @23.00
2 Alkım Share the agreed scenarios with team-mates via Whatsapp 28.02.2019 @23.00
3 Hasan-Aysu Design mock up pages 03.03.2019 @23.00
4 İbrahim-Alperen-Alkım Prepare a basic user persona and story and put it to wiki page 02.03.2019 @23.00
5 Cumhur-Enes-Bekir Prepare a trader user persona and story and put it to wiki page 02.03.2019 @23.00
6 Semih-Doğa-Metin Prepare a trader user persona and story and put it to wiki page 02.03.2019 @23.00
7 Everyone Open an issue that defining your work 02.03.2019 @23.00
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