Freezed version
mf-geoadmin-3 will not be developed further (bug fix only). will only be developed in the new experience web-mapviewer. Follow our transition in 2021 either on the forum or in web-mapviewer
Checkout the source code:
$ git clone
or when you're using ssh key (see
$ git clone [email protected]:geoadmin/mf-geoadmin3.git
There's no need to create a user specific source file. Simply use the following build command:
$ make user
Variables have sensible default values for development. Anyhow, they can be set as make macros or envvars in a customized source file. E.G. you can copy the rc_user file and adapt it to your needs. They you can lauch:
$ source rc_customized && make all
Use make help
to know about the possible make
targets and the currently set variables:
$ make help
Use make translate
to import directly translations from the Google spreadsheet. Don't forget to set up first these 2 following environment parameter:
export DRIVE_USER=your_login
export DRIVE_PWD=your_password
For builds on test (rc_dev), integration (rc_int) and production (rc_prod), you
should source the corresponding rc
On vpc-mf1-dev1
, create an Apache configuration file for your environment. Ex:
$ cat /var/www/vhosts/mf-geoadmin3/conf/ltxxx.conf
Include /home/ltxxx/mf-geoadmin3/apache/*.conf
The GeoAdmin team development servers all contain the necessary dependencies to develop mf-geoadmin3. Even if development of the project outside of the GeoAdmin infrastructure is not fully supported (e.g. you would need to setup your own web server with correct configurations), you should still be able to build the project on a different, Linux based infrastructure. For this to work, you need to make sure to install the following dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make gcc+ git unzip openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jdk g++ npm python-virtualenv
You might get an error similar to: /usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory This can be fixed by running: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node #see nodejs/node-v0.x-archive#3911
Use make olcesium
to update the olcesium.js
and olcesium-debug.js
Add the correct version tag
You can also use an argument to test a new version of OpenLayers, for instance you can do:
make OL_VERSION=627abaf1a71d48627163eb00ea6a0b6fb8dede14 \
OL_CESIUM_VERSION=10c5fcf1565ffdb484c4ef4e42835142f8f45e67 \
CESIUM_VERSION=3e3cf938786ee48b4b376ed932904541d798671d olcesium
Remember to update the API and API doc at the same time to keep coherency.
We use Karma to configure our unit tests and PhantomJS to run them in. They
are defined in test/specs
. They are run as part of the standard build.
Ideally, each component is fully tested with unit tests.
In your .bashrc
please make sure you have the variables SAUCELABS_USER
In order to lauch only some of the tests, you can use the following command:
make saucelabs SAUCELABS_TESTS=kml,search
Per default all tests are launched.
If you only want to launch sauclab tests on a single platform/browser, you can use the following command
make saucelabssingle
To run the e2e browserstack tests, a few things need to be set up in your environment. You need to have the BROWSERSTACK_USER and BROWSERSTACK_KEY variables set. As they are sensitive, they should not be accessible in public (don't add them to github). Recommended way is via a protected file on your system (readable only by you):
echo "export BROWSERSTACK_USER=***" >> ~/.browserstack
echo "export BROWSERSTACK_KEY=***" >> ~/.browserstack
chmod 600 ~/.browserstack
Then add source ~/.browserstack
to your .bashrc
file. The infos can be found
here: . Please use the credentials
in our keypass file to log in.
Run it using make:
make teste2e
This uses the BROWSERSTACK_TARGET environment variable (part of rc_* files) to determine which URL to test.
Run it manually:
node test/selenium/tests.js -t
This runs it with the given target URL.
These tests are not part of the normal build. They need to be launched manually.
Since March 2018, all branches are deployed by the CI to all three S3 staging bucket (dev, int and prod).
To manually build the current branch and upload it to AWS S3 int, use:
make s3deploy DEPLOY_TARGET=int DEPLOY_GIT_BRANCH=<my branch>
After the first clone, dev dependencies are not removed when uploading a branch to S3. If you want to also remove the dev depedencies, use:
make s3deploy DEEP_CLEAN=true
If the project builds and the tests are passing, then, files will be uploaded to a directory:
For instance:
and for source:
Metadata to a build are available next to the index.html, as info.json
make s3deploy DEPLOY_TARGET=dev
will create a snapshot and activate it. a link to the deployed branch will be in the output.
make s3deploy DEPLOY_TARGET=int
will create a snapshot and activate it, a link to the deployed branch will be in the output.
The CI is responsible for uploading to prod
. The only required step is to activate
a version
, i.e.
copying from its directory to the root. To get the EPOCH_BUILD
, you'll have to look at the CI logs for
the last build on master.
To list all the builds:
make s3listint
or make s3listprod
To get more information about a build:
To delete a given build:
To delete a named branch:
Per default, the API used in the main instance of mf-chsdi3. If you want
to target a specific branch of mf-chsdi3, please adapt the API_URL
in the rc_branch.mako
file on your branch
The AWS bucket from int
and prod
staging are behing AWS CloudFront distribution.
You will need to know the AWS Cloudfront Distrubtion ID to be able to flush it.
The command then look like this :
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <DISTRIBUTION_ID> --path <PATH_YOU_WANT_TO_FLUSH>
Add env=(dev|int|prod)
Add api_url=//theNameOfAnAPIServer
Add config_url=//theNameOfAnConfigServerOrUrl
Add alti_url=//theNameOfAnAltiServer
Add wms_url=//theNameOfAWMSServer
Add print_url=//theNameOfAPrintServer
Add shop_url=//theNameOfAShopServer
Add mapproxy_url=//theNameOfAMapProxyServer
Add public_url=//theNameOfAPublicServer
Add wmts_url=//theNameOfAWmtsService
National :
Norwegian Institute of Bioecomic Research : Geoportal forest of Norway:
Geoportal Luxembourg is a clone of our first version:
Regional :
Geoportal Bayern :
Geoportal Jura-Bernois
Geoportal Trento
Geoportal Piemont
Geoportal of Thurgau
Environmental Portal of Niedersachsen