Assembly HalosGate implementation that directly calls Windows System Calls, evades EDR User Land hooks, and displays the PPID of the explorer.exe process.
- In this screenshot the "NtQuerySystemInformation" & "NtAllocateVirtualMemory" NTDLL.DLL APIs systemcalls are discovered by using the HalosGate technique after failing to retrieve them via HellsGate technique due to EDR UserLand hooks.
- After the systemcalls are resolved via the HellsGate and HalosGate method, they are are called directly. The code in NTDLL is never executed.
- Obfuscate the strings for that are used for resolving the addresses of the NTDLL symbols
- Or use hashing
Need to fix some bugs when switching from debug to release mode in visual studio's(Fixed 05/08/21)Need to figure out how to properly overload the call to HellDescent()(Fixed 05/08/21)- Clean up the assembly functions, they are messy and could be better (Some cleanup 05/08/21)
Do better checking for the process image name so it doesnt conflict with other processes named explorer(Fixed 05/08/21)- Better error handling (Some better handling 05/08/21)
Make this into a cobalt strike beacon object file( Complete! 06/08/21)- See HalosGate Processlist Cobalt Strike BOF project! ;)
- Build on this project for process injection / syscall PS
Use halos gate to handle EDR hooks.(Implemented in this project on 05/08/21)
- Reenz0h from @SEKTOR7net (Creator of the HalosGate technique )
- This HalosGate project is based on the work of Reenz0h.
- Most of the C techniques I use are from Reenz0h's awesome courses and blogs
- Best classes for malware development out there.
- Creator of the halos gate technique. His work was the motivation for this work.
- @smelly__vx & @am0nsec ( Creators/Publishers of the Hells Gate technique )
- Could not have made my implementation of HellsGate without them :)
- Awesome work on this method, really enjoyed working through it myself. Thank you!
- Link to the Hell's Gate paper:
- Pavel Yosifovich (@zodiacon)
- I learned how to correctly call NtQuerySystemInformation from Pavel's class on pentester academy. Full credits to Pavel for this. (BTW Pavel is an awesome teacher and I 100% recommend).
- Windows Process Injection for Red-Blue Teams - Module 2: NTQuerySystemInformation