Tutorial accompanying the paper, Sturm and Flexer, "A Review of Validity and Its Relationship to Music Information Research", in Proc. Int. Society of Music Information Retrieval, 2023 http://ismir2023program.ismir.net/poster_18.html. (See also the article Sturm and Flexer, "Validity in Music Information Research Experiments", http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.01578)
- ValidityDemo.ipynb: jupyter notebook demonstrating the "typical" MIR experiment
- BALLROOMfeatures*.pkl: features we extracted from the BALLROOM dataset
- BALLROOMfeatures_dilated.py: python code we used to extract features from the BALLROOM dataset with dilation interventions
- extendedBALLROOMfeatures.pkl: features we extracted from the extended BALLROOM dataset
- exBALLROOMfeatures.py: python code we used to extract features from the extended BALLROOM dataset
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