This repository contains an R package which wraps the CRFsuite C/C++ library (, allowing the following:
- Fit a Conditional Random Field model (1st-order linear-chain Markov)
- Use the model to get predictions alongside the model on new data
- The focus of the implementation is in the area of Natural Language Processing where this R package allows you to easily build and apply models for named entity recognition, text chunking, part of speech tagging, intent recognition or classification of any category you have in mind.
For users unfamiliar with Conditional Random Field (CRF) models, you can read this excellent tutorial
- The package is on CRAN, so just install it with the command
- For installing the development version of this package:
devtools::install_github("bnosac/crfsuite", build_vignettes = TRUE)
For detailed documentation on how to build your own CRF tagger for doing NER / Chunking. Look to the vignette.
vignette("crfsuite-nlp", package = "crfsuite")
## Get example training data + enrich with token and part of speech 2 words before/after each token
x <- ner_download_modeldata("conll2002-nl")
x <- crf_cbind_attributes(x,
terms = c("token", "pos"), by = c("doc_id", "sentence_id"),
from = -2, to = 2, ngram_max = 3, sep = "-")
## Split in train/test set
crf_train <- subset(x, data == "ned.train")
crf_test <- subset(x, data == "testa")
## Build the crf model
attributes <- grep("token|pos", colnames(x), value=TRUE)
model <- crf(y = crf_train$label,
x = crf_train[, attributes],
group = crf_train$doc_id,
method = "lbfgs", options = list(max_iterations = 25, feature.minfreq = 5, c1 = 0, c2 = 1))
## Use the model to score on existing tokenised data
scores <- predict(model, newdata = crf_test[, attributes], group = crf_test$doc_id)
261 211 182 693 24 205 209 605 35297
The package itself does not contain any models to do NER or Chunking. It's a package which facilitates creating your own CRF model for doing Named Entity Recognition or Chunking on your own data with your own categories.
In order to facilitate creating training data of your own text, a shiny app is made available in this R package which allows you to easily tag your own chunks of text, using your own categories.
More details about how to launch the app, which data is needed for building a model, how to start to build and use your model - read the vignette in detail: vignette("crfsuite-nlp", package = "crfsuite")
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