A collection of examples made by me or others that might give you an idea of how to use javascript to make something awesome for your games.
tooltip.renderingFinished.then(($html) => {
return '';
Show confetti if the enemy is dead
// check if the enamy is dead
const hp = data.attributes.hp.value;
if (hp > 0) return '';
// check if we already triggered confetti
window.TTAPlayerHostileConfettiRunning = window.TTAPlayerHostileConfettiRunning || false;
if (window.TTAPlayerHostileConfettiRunning) return '';
// this uses the foundryvtt-confetti module
const confetti = () => {
const confettiInst = window.confetti;
if (!confettiInst) return '';
const strength = confettiInst.confettiStrength.med;
const props = confettiInst.getShootConfettiProps(strength);
// mark that we used confetti
window.TTAPlayerHostileConfettiRunning = true;
// add a time to reset the confetti limit after 3s
setTimeout(() => {
window.TTAPlayerHostileConfettiRunning = false;
}, 3000);
return '';