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This module is old and no longer maintained. Check out Celebrate by VoodooFrog as its successor.

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Everyone loves Confetti.


Module JSON:


Demonstration of the Confetti.


Name Description
GM Only If you're a GM who absolutely hates letting your players have nice things, you'll enable this and remove the confetti buttons from their screens.
Confetti Multiplier How much confetti is too much? We let you decide, personally I think the answer is 'as much as you can handle'.
Mute If you think those sounds are annoying, imagine being the guy writing this thing.


Its confetti! What do you mean it got everywhere and is messing something up? What did you expect to happen?


After the hook confettiReady is fired, the following api methods are expected to be on window.confetti:


a typescript enum:

enum ConfettiStrength {
  'low' = 0,
  'med' = 1,
  'high' = 2,

getShootConfettiProps(strength: ConfettiStrength)

Returns the properties that handleShootConfetti and shootConfetti use based on the strength you feed it.

handleShootConfetti(shootConfettiProps: ShootConfettiProps)

Makes the appropriate amount of confetti fire on only the current user's screen.

shootConfetti(shootConfettiProps: ShootConfettiProps)

Makes the appropriate amount of confetti fire on all clients' screens.


function makeConfetti() {
  const strength = window.confetti.confettiStrength.low;
  const shootConfettiProps = window.confetti.getShootConfettiProps(strength);

  if (isSecretCelebration) {
    // I only want this to happen on my user's screen
  } else {
    // I want confetti on all connected users' screens

Known Issues

  • Yes, if you spam the shit out of the confetti buttons it will get everywhere and probably crash a computer. It is confetti after all.
  • Yes, if you set the Confetti Multiplier to 10, you will have a bad time. Or maybe a great time, depends how much you're willing to trade for your confetti.


Sound Effects from

This was created in a caffiene induced frenzy during the D20 Day 2020 hackathon put on by the League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers.

Bootstrapped with Nick East's create-foundry-project.