Transforms all files in specified directory using a large language model. You can specify conditions for file transformation along with a prompt, which LLM to use and which model should be used . The transformed files are saved in a new directory. The file structure is preserved.
docker run -v $(pwd):/data analyze
When using openai
analyzer you'll need to provide an API key. You can do this by setting the OPENAI_TOKEN
environment variable.
Download the latest release from the releases page. Extract the archive and run the binary.
llmt \ --config <config_file> \ # optional parameter, default is config.yaml in current directory
analyze ./myProject ../docs # analyzes files in ./myProject and outputs them as markdown in ../docs (maintains file structure)
Example config.yaml
version: "0.1"
- prompt: Write docs for this file
analyzer: openai
model: gpt-4o-mini
regex: ^.+\.php$
- vendor
Field | Description | Required | Default |
prompt | The prompt to use for the language model | yes | |
analyzer | Specifies which llm to use. See Available analyzers for the full list of analyzers. | yes | |
model | The model to use for the language model. If you use a fine tuned openai model, you set its name here. | yes | |
regex | A regex to match the file path. | no | |
not_in | A list of directories to exclude from the analysis. | no | |
in | A list of directories to include in the analysis. Note: not_in takes precedence over in . |
no |
See schema.json for the full config schema.
Analyzer | Description |
openai | Uses the OpenAI API to transform the files. You need to provide an API key via the OPENAI_TOKEN environment variable. |
ollama | Uses the OLLAMA API to transform the files. You can override the ollama url by setting the OLLAMA_HOST environment variable. |
You can find a comprehensive list of examples here. Below is a simple example which has similar behaviour to the command line analyze command.
Click to expand!
package main
import (
func main() {
AnalyzeProject(context.Background(), "./myProject", "../docs", []analyzer.FileAnalyzerConfig{
Prompt: "document this files behaviour",
Analyzer: openai.New("OPENAI_TOKEN_HERE", "gpt-4o-mini"),
Condition: func(path string) bool { return strings.HasSuffix(path, ".php") },
ResultHandler: func(destFilepath string, result string) error {
return ioutil.WriteFile(destFilepath, []byte(result), 0644)
With Condition
and ResultHandler
you're able to filter out which files should be processed and how the result should
be processed.
[!TIP] To see a more complete example of the above snippet, see examples/overview directory.
All contributions welcome! For the next release I want to offer more analyzers with greater configurability. I also plan on adding more hooks for file analyzers to allow for more complex transformations.