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Dotfiles Repository

This repository contains installation instructions, configuration files ("dotfiles") for different programs such as git, vim etc.

The different folders contain the actual configuration files for applications. Stow is used to deploy the configuration files to their correct locations. See the stow section below for more information.

See the notes file for usage and general hints.

Workstation Preparations

Make sure that $HOME/.local/bin is in the $PATH. See for more information. On Ubuntu (bash), this is configured by default in .profile.

TODO: Add fzf and add links to other tools.



The window manager i3 requires a compositor in order for scrolling to look nice. For this purpose, picom is recommended. Install using:

sudo pacman -Syu picom


To use a keyboard map with international layout without dead keys (US International without dead keys) on X11, use the following command:

setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl -option nodeadkeys


The utility autorandr can be used to automatically select a display configuration based on connected devices. Install using:

yay -S autorandr

Configuration files are stored in .config/autorandr. To create a new configuration, start by setting it up using ARandR. Then save the configuration using autorandr -s <config-name>.

Autorandr is executed automatically when monitors are plugged in/unplugged but in order to have it run also when the laptop lid is opened/closed, this must be monitored separatedly. One way to do it is using ACPI. Install acpid using:

yay -S acpid

Copy the ~/dotfiles/scripts/ script to /etc/acpi/ and modify the script in /etc/acpi by adding a call to /etc/acpi/ when the lid is opened/closed. Make sure that the scripts are executable and that the acpid service is enabled:

sudo chmod a+c /etc/acpi/
sudo systemctl enable --now acpid


Polybar is a status bar for i3. Install using

yay polybar

The configuration is in .config/polybar.


A script ( to show a scratchpad with a kitty terminal running tmux is written based on information here:

The script requires xdotool. Install using

yay xdotool


Hyprland is a tiling window manager for Wayland. Install with yay. Also install additional software to get some useful things. See for more information.

yay -S dunst
yay -S waybar
yay -S playerctl
yay -S pamixer
yay -S blueman
yay -S hyprpaper


yay -S ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd


By default, EndeavourOS uses LightDM for the log-in, and uses the lightdm-gtk-greeter.

Default Applications

xdg-settings get default-web-browser will return the current default browser. To change to Chrome, use set and application google-chrome.desktop. If the environment variable BROWSER is set, it needs to be unset using unset BROWSER.

Changes to default applications will be seen in ~/.config/mimeapps.list. Applications can be found in the folder /usr/share/applications



Ubuntu: sudo apt install ripgrep

Arch: sudo pacman -Syu ripgrep

See for more information.

Fd Find

sudo apt install fd-find
ln -s $(which fdfind) ~/.local/bin/fd

Arch: sudo pacman -Syu fd

See for more information.

Terminal File Browser

Arch: sudo pacman -Syu lf

Arch: sudo pacman -Syu ranger


Cross-shell prompt. See Install using:

curl -sS | sh


Use the steps below to install on Linux. See for more information.

cd ~/.local/bin
curl -LO
chmod u+x nvim.appimage
mv nvim.appimage nvim

The setup and configuration for Neovim requires that the following is installed

  • Node.js and npm

In order to use the clipboard, a clipboard provider must be available. For X11, xclip can be used.

sudo pacman -Syu xclip


Install Nodejs and npm using the command below ( See and for more information.

sudo pacman -Syu nodejs npm


(Lazygit)[] is a terminal gui git tool.

Use the following steps to install on Ubuntu:

LAZYGIT_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K[^"]*')
curl -Lo lazygit.tar.gz "${LAZYGIT_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
tar xf lazygit.tar.gz lazygit
install lazygit ~/.local/bin


Program that displays statistics about code (number of lines, comments, etc) grouped by language. Install using cargo. See for more information.

cargo install tokei


sudo pacman -Syu spotify-launcher


Depending on the distro/environment, nmap is installed in different ways.

  • Snap - Note! To work in sudo-mode, the following is also needed:
sudo snap install nmap
snap connect nmap:network-control
  • APT

sudo apt install nmap


Stow is used to manage the dotfiles. See for detatils. Install using

Ubuntu: sudo apt install stow

Arch: sudo pacman -Syu stow

Manage config files with stow

The command stow is used to manage the config files in this directory. The command will create a symlink in the target directory that points to the config files in this repository. This makes it easy to handle changes (using git diff) and updates.

Stow a configuration

The following command is used to stow a configuration.

stow <application-name> -t <target-dir>

The command will create a symlink in the target-dir named according to the application-name. The symlink will point to the contents of the application-name directory.

For example, to stow the i3 configuration, the command

stow -t ~ i3

To stow individual files that are not stored in .config (such as .gitconfig), use the flag --dotfiles.

stow --dotfiles -t ~ gitconfig


To unstow an application, use the following command

stow -t <target-dir> -D <application-name>

For the i3 configuration, the command would be

stow -t ~ -D i3


Restow (first unstow, then stow again) the package names that follow this option. This is useful for pruning obsolete symlinks from the target tree after updating the software in a package. This option may be repeated any number of times.

stow -R i3

Stow Steps

If the dotfiles repo is cloned to the home directory, the -t flag can be omitted in the commands since the target dir defaults to the parent. The commands to run can be simplified as below.

cd ~
git clone [email protected]:bluezephyr/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
stow --dotfiles bash
stow --dotfiles gitconfig
stow i3
stow hypr
stow kitty
stow nvim
stow dunst
stow ranger

Build tools

Tools for programming.

sudo apt install clang clangd

Configure SSH

In order to clone the config repo using ssh, the ssh client must be setup properly and include valid ssh keys. A guide is available at github (

  1. Create a new ssh keypair

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"

Call the key something as id_github_<host>, where is something . Move the keys to the .ssh folder.

  1. Start the ssh agent and add the key
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/<private key>
  1. Add the public key to github

Navigate to and click the 'New SSH key' button. Enter a name for the key such as "BlueZephyr ". Use

cat ~.ssh/id_github_<host>.pub

and copy the output into the Key part. Press "Add SSH key" to save.

Blue Zephyr

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