The ACT-IAC Blockchain Working Group meeting occurs regularly on Fridays at 10am - 11am EST.
- Government lead: Jorge Ferrer, VHA
- Industry lead: Frederic de Vaulx, Prometheus Computing LLC
ACT-IAC members: Please feel free to add: questions, topics, speaker requests or offers, and publicly shareable resources by creating an issue.
If you need assistance with GitHub, please contact Jorge or Fred via email, and a group member can lend a hand.
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Discussion
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Presentation of Suremark by Scott Stornetta
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Presentation of F1R3FLY by Jeffrey Turner
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- New EO
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- New EO
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- New EO
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- New EO
- How can blockchain support government efficiency (soon)?
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link: TBD
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- New EO
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- New EO
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- digital identity
- public agency IT security requirements
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- digital identity
- public agency IT security requirements
- 2025 goals and aspirations
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - Open discussion
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - brainstorming about requirements of a citizen accessible federal DLT
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - github issues updates
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:10am to 10:50am - github issues updates
- 10:50am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:10am - Community updates
- 10:20am to 10:30am - Discuss blockchain based grant management
- 10:30am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:20am - Community updates
- 10:20am to 10:50am - Discuss blockchain based grant management
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:20am - Community updates
- 10:20am to 10:50am - Jasmine Faubert from MITRE will talk about the status of blockchain grant management projects at MITRE.
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Meeting canceled.
There is another GBA event at that time.
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:20am - Community updates
- 10:20am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Meeting canceled.
There is another ACT-IAC Quantum meeting scheduled at this time.
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:20am - Community updates
- 10:20am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:20am - Community updates
- 10:20am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- CFTC Conference this week (July 11) - highlighted "blockchain analytics"
- Any topics to add?
- Meeting time: Is there a better time for this meeting?
- Group areas of interest
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Friday, July 5 - MEETING CANCELED following July 4th Holiday
Friday, June 28 · 10:00 – 11:00am EST
Video call link:
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Friday, June 21 · 10:00 – 11:00am EST
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- Sandy
- Going to UK
- Tying together AI and blockchain, ZTA - Zero trust architecture
- Advantages of hashing in permissioned environments (Navy example using .stl files)
- Ralph
- can substantively reduce power consumption in data centers
- Using blockchain for hyperdimensional compute
- Rho Calculus which extends Pi Calculus
- LLMs can integrate feedback in more real-time, due to greater concurrency
- Bring the data to the metal - rather than the metal to the data
- Cheryl
- blockchains used to verify the source of information, prior to being fed to AI models
- committee on disinformation being defunded
- data provenance related to elections
- Fred *
- Bob
- Stornetta to have an event about election integrity, maybe in July?
- August 16 at the Fairfax Town Hall - Blockchain Showcase - more info on the GBA website
- Eric
- re: Elections - proof of information
- the role of government
- Lilia
- Reading "The age of surveillance capitalism"
- Thompson *
- Juby
- Working in health care, interoperabilty, bi-directional data exchange, EHR systems, insurance-facing, gov-facing,
- patient-owned data
- Can Medicare data be monetized for the beneficiaries, using a DLT?
- Mandatory prior authorization (legislation) goes into effect Jan 2025
- MITRE is also supporting the Medicare & Medicaid work
- Jon
Elections are to me the integrity of the result of the vote and the technological accuracy the count. All votes will be influenced before the vote then they vote.
- focused more on AI, aware of biases
- Denton County has a decent approach regarding integrity of the vote
- blockchain w/could be applied to integrity of the vote - be able to verify
- Jorge
- VA Digital Health Office, Emerging Technologies - trying to get the office up and running smoothly
- Emerging technologies is mostly about AI currently
- Ryan
- Sharing prototype work for GBA Infrastructure group:
The group will consider an automated transcription tool in the future. This will need ACT-IAC's approval.
Friday, June 14 · 10:00 – 11:00am EST
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
Friday, June 07 · 10:00 – 11:00am EST
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- Blockchain in France & Europe:
- Zero-Knowledge Proof -
- Schemes to enable users to control who has access to data (and how)
- GSA Lab - potential opportunity to prototype and demonstrate proof of concepts.
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Open call for Speakers & Presentations
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- Open call for Speakers & Presentations
- Attention on Issues
- Tasks & working group interests
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss WG items and open discussion
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Discuss the primer and use cases
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - discuss the primer and other items
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - TBD
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - TBD
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:50am - Working group updates and planning
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:05am to 10:15am - Community updates
- 10:15am to 10:40am - Presentation: Ryan Wold - LiveWallet show & tell
- 10:40am to 10:50am - Open discussion - topic prompts: identity, DIDs, tokenization of assets or for services
- 10:50am to 11:00am - Closeout
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
- 10:00am to 10:05am - Welcome
Additional previous meeting agendas are available here.