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This project is a PoC of how a pip installable re-usable Django app can be built in order to convert a conventionally built single-tenant Django application into its multi-tenant version with minimal/no code change.

Traditionally SAAS platforms have adopted multiple approaches to achieving multi-tenancy. The two most common and widely used are the following:

  1. Isolated DB approach -> Each tenant stores its data in a separate database.
  2. Shared DB approach -> Data from multiple tenants are collocated in the same database but every row relates to a specific tenant by means of a database relation constraint.

This project adopts the first (isolated DB) approach due to the following reasons:

  1. Typically SAAS platforms have an SLA stating that every tenant's data has to be complete isolated from one another so as to avoid potential data leaks or data overlap.
  2. If the shared DB approach is chosen, it would entail both code change as well as DB schema changes/migrations etc., which can be time consuming for already running live applications to accomodate.
  3. Most of the tools around DB management (like DB dump/restore, monitoring etc.,) are built to operate at the database level. If the shared DB approach is chosen, then these tools would either become obsolete or would have to be used with modifications made on a case-to-case basis and ends up becoming a bottle-neck for the migration process.
  4. Currently there is no general purpose package/library which is battle-tested and production ready that can be plugged into existing single-tenant applications to make them multi-tenant by following this approach. (django-db-multitenant has been deemed experimental by the authors)

The following architecture diagram explains better as to what the package/library achieves:

Multi-tenant architecture diagram

NOTE: The term package/library used above refers to the tenant_router Django app which is currently a part of the web appication made for demonstrating the PoC. However, it has been built in such a way that it can be abstracted out into a re-usable pip installable app that can be plugged into any existing Django web application to solve the multi-tenancy problem.

How does it work?

The library essentially solves two major problems:

  1. Routing DB queries to appropriate tenant DBs' at runtime: This is one of the core components of the library. This is achieved by creating a connection management and routing layer on top of DB wrapper/connector libraries (like ORMs') thereby making the solution database agnostic.

  2. Real time propagation of tenant configuration changes: To elaborate on the problem, any configuration change (like DB url, cache url etc.,) that happens when an Add tenant/Update tenant/Delete tenant takes place, has to be communicated to and processed by all running instances of the app server at any given time. This is solved by means of a niche Pub/Sub mechanism in place which we term as reactive configuration.

Apart from the above mentioned solutions, the library also offers out-of-the-box support for various other components that a typical Django web app would use. These include:

  1. Caches
  2. Database migrations
  3. Celery
  4. Shell operations
  5. Unit testing methods in this new paradigm
  6. Management commands (like migrate, dumpdata, loaddata etc.,)

NOTE: Of the components mentioned above, the code in this repo contains support for only a few of them as this is just for demonstration pruposes. However, ideas by which support can be extended for the other components will be discussed in the conference.

Running the demo app


The demo app comes in a completely dockerised setup. In order to launch it, it's mandatory to have Docker and docker-compose installed and available as part of the system PATH.

Before launching the app, in order to verify its multi-tenant behaviour, a couple of host entries namely and must be added to the namespace resolver of your machine. Thus when the browser points to one of these hosts, the demo app's backend would be able to route requests to the appropriate database.

For Linux and MacOS users, please add the following entries to the /etc/hosts file as below:

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
# End of section

NOTE: You might need to ensure that the current user has sudo privileges in order to edit the /etc/hosts file.


To launch the app, enter the following commands:

$ cd ~/multi-tenant-poc
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

To test things out, try the following:

  1. Open your browser and point it to You should see the following image:

    tenant 1 screen

  2. Now, point the browser to You should see the following image.

    tenant 2 screen

    You can see that, in the above image, the data for the Hospitals tab is different compared to the data that was displayed for This confirms that requests are being routed to different databases based on the domain name.

  3. As you can see, in both the above screens, the Patients tab is empty. Let's try adding one. Click on the Add Patient button and fill up the form with the required details and submit it. You should see the following screen once submitted:

    Add Patient Dialog

    By now, you would have noticed the small spinner near the Add Patient button. Every time the spinner completes one full rotation, the Patients tab is refreshed.

    The reason for doing this is that the Add Patient HTTP endpoint does not immediately add the new patient to the database but rather delegates this responsibility to a celery task. Hence, the UI would be able to reflect the latest changes only after the celery task completes its execution.

    The aim of the above implementation is to illustrate that every celery task that the app has, when invoked, is bound to a specific tenant's context without any code changes.

    INFO: Verify the above statement by pointing your browser to You would find that the Patients tab is still empty.



The following configuration options are available and will have to be provided in the module.


Required. Type: dict

This setting holds the configuration for the KV(key/value) store that would be looked up at boot time to pull the necessary configuration and bootstrap various components of this package (like ORM managers etc.,).

Any suitable cache backend compatible with Django's CACHES can be used to provide the required functionality.

Below is an example configuration:

    "tenant_router_config_store": {
        "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
        "TIMEOUT": None,
        "LOCATION": "redis://{REDIS_HOST}:{REDIS_PORT}/{REDIS_DB}".format(
        "OPTIONS": {
            "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient",
            "SERIALIZER": "django_redis.serializers.json.JSONSerializer"

IMPORTANT: Django, by default, associates a timeout (ttl) with all keys stored in a given cache. Since we expect the data in the config store to be persistent (i.e no timeout), the TIMEOUT parameter has to be explicitly set to None.

NOTE: The tenant_router_config_store is a reserved special key which would be used internally by the library for identifying the cache containing the tenant configuration. If it conflicts with an already existing key, the conflicting key (specified by the user) will have to be changed.

For details about the schema of this configuration, click here.


The service name identifier that would be used for construction/de-construction of the keys configured in the KV store.




A mapping of orm identifier to orm configuration. At a higher level, this orm configuration, behind the scenes, is used for managing connections and routing to the correct database based on the tenant context set by the middleware for a particular request/response cycle.

An application could potentially use multiple ORM libraries like the Django ORM, PyModm/MongoEngine (for MongoDB) etc., So each of these ORMs' should register themselves as part of this configuration to define their respective manager classes and provide a settings key from where they would pick up template configurations which would get replicated across tenants.

The package currently ships with a manager class for Django ORM.


import os

# assume that in the single-tenant application built, 
# the following configuration was provided.
    "default": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
# The most basic form of this setting is as follows:
    'django_orm': {

# Also if the Django ORM is being used, make sure to configure the 
# DATABASE_ROUTERS setting as follows:
DATABASE_ROUTERS = ['tenant_router.orm_backends.django_orm.router.DjangoOrmRouter']

Note that in the above example, django_orm is a reserved key since the package already has a manager defined for this.

If the application uses an ORM library which is not supported out of the box by this package, it is possible to write a manager class for that ORM and set it up. Also if the default manager provided doesn't account for a custom use-case, it can be overridden as well.


    # overriding the default manager
    'django_orm': {
        'MANAGER': 'full_dotted_path_to_custom_manager_cls',
        'SETTINGS_KEY': 'some_key'
    # providing a new manager for the mongoengine ORM library
    'mongoengine': {
        'MANAGER': 'full_dotted_path_to_custom_manager_cls',
        'SETTINGS_KEY': 'some_key'

If you'd like to implement a custom manager class, check out the tenant_router.orm_backends.base.manager file for the interface required to be implemented.


The middleware which is responsible for injecting the tenant context in every request can be customized as follows:

  • WHITELIST_ROUTES => A set of route identifiers for which the tenant context need not be injected. In other words, these routes by-pass the middleware. Each route identifier must take one of the following values:

    1. View name => Full dotted path to the view that should be whitelisted.
    2. Route name => The route part of the path instance in urlpatterns.
    3. Url name => The value given to the name parameter, if specified in the path instance. For namespaced urls, it would be of the form namespace_identifier:url_name.

    In order to resolve the request path into one of the above, the django.urls.resolve method is used internally. For more info about how this method behaves, click here.


from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
    path('api/sample/', SampleView.as_view(), name='sample_view')


#### In order to whitelist `SampleView` from the above, any of the following approaches
#### would work fine.
        # Full dotted path to view (or)
        # Route part of the `path` instance (or)
        # Url name specified in the `path` instance
        # if namespaced, then the above becomes
        # where 'sample_app' is the namespace identifier 
  • TENANT_ID_RESOLVER => A callable which will be called with the http request object in order to resolve the tenant identifier. This will subsequently be used to get the corresponding tenant context to be injected for that particular http request.


def resolve_tenant_id(request):
    # logic to resolve tenant id based on something in the 
    # request object.
    return 'tenant_identifier'



There are a bunch of internal components in the package that get bootstrapped in a particular sequence when Django fires the ready signal.

During this bootstrap phase, the application can potentially configure this setting with a sequence of callables if there is some activity to be performed after the pre-defined sequence gets executed.




Since the concept of template and reserved aliases can be extended to caches as well, they can be configured, as applicable, in the following way.

    'RESERVED_ALIASES': set(['some_alias', 'some_other_alias']) 

To get a detailed understanding of what this means, click here

Configuration File

In order to load the metadata required by the library, a configuration file has to be created. By convention, this file should be named tenant_config.json and should be present at the same directory level as settings.BASE_DIR.

The configuration specified in this file is synced to the config store when the load_tenant_config command is run.




This key is used for defining a one-to-one mapping of deployment keys to their corresponding translation values.



This key contains tenant specific configuration like DB, cache etc., The schema definition for this key is as follows:

    "tenant_config": {
        "tenant_identifier": {
            "service_identifier": {
                "orm_config": {
                    "orm_identifier": {
                        "template_alias": {... #db_config}
                "cache_config": {
                    "template_alias": {
                        ... #cache_config

NOTE: The service_identifier key mentioned above should match the value provided for the TENANT_ROUTER_SERVICE_NAME setting as this is used for construction/de-construction of keys stored in the KV store.

Lets take a look at a more concrete example:

    "": {
        "test_service": {
            "orm_config": {
                "django_orm": {
                    "default": {
                        "HOST": "...",
                        "NAME": "...",
                        "USER": "...",
                        "PASS": "...",
                        "PORT": "..."
                "pymodm_orm": {
                    "default": {
                        "CONN_URL": "..."
            "cache_config": {
                "default": {
                    "LOCATION": "..."
    "": {...}

Populating the KV store

In order to populate the KV store with the configuration in the above file, the load_tenant_config command has to be run with

$ python load_tenant_config

To know more about specifying alternate file paths and other available options, run:

$ python load_tenant_config --help

DB Migrations

Typically a web app would need interact with one or more databases. Also, in a Django app, this interaction typically happens through an ORM. Each ORM, depending on the databases' it supports, could define its own migration strategy to apply data model changes.

Since this package could potentially interact with multiple ORMs' through their respective manager classes, it becomes essential for the manager class to know the migration strategy that the particular ORM uses.

Also it could be that an ORM does not have a defined migration strategy out of the box, in which case the app which uses that ORM would have to define one.

Among the ORM libraries that the package supports, only django_orm has a well defined migration strategy. For the others, the app would have to implement a migration_asst class and register it with the respective manager class.

Running migrations

The below snippet should be invoked with

$ python migrate_all

WARNING: Running the python migrate sub-command would no longer work as this is tied to only the django_orm. Other ORMs' would get left out from the migration process.

To know more about this command and the available options, run:

$ python migrate_all --help

Defining a custom MIGRATION_ASST class

The below snippet illustrates how to write a custom migration_asst class and register it with the respective orm manager class.

## Example of a custom 'migration_asst' class
from tenant_router.orm_backends.base import BaseOrmMigrationAsst

class CustomMigrationAsst(BaseOrmMigrationAsst):
    def perform_migrate(self):         
        # Called by the 'manager' class internally when 
        # 'migrate_to_all' is called. Should implement the 
        # strategy for migrating to all databases supported 
        # by this ORM.

## Registering the class with a 'manager' in ''
    'django_orm': {
        'MANAGER': 'tenant_router.orm_backends.django_orm.manager.DjangoOrmManager',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'MIGRATION_ASST': {
                # Mandatory
                'CLASS': '',
                # Optional
                # Any additional kwargs to be passed to the class
                'OPTIONS': {}

Routers and routing strategies

Since the Django ORM supports routing to multiple databases at the ORM level using a concept called database routers, there are a few scenarios to consider with respect to defining custom routers and the different routing strategies that are possible.

A router in Django when implemented, is responsible for providing one or more of the following functionalities:

  • Provides a database for every write operation made via the ORM.
  • Provides a database for every read operation made via the ORM.
  • Tells whether relations between objects should be allowed or not.
  • Tells which models should be migrated onto a particular database.

Scenario 1: Single DB replicated across tenants

Consider the following example of a conventionally built single-tenant Django app.

# file
import os

    "default": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...}

# KV store settings for the above template
    "some_tenant_a_prefix_default": {
        "NAME": "some_value",
        "USER": "some_value",
        "PASSWORD": "some_value",
        "HOST": "some_value",
        "PORT": "some_value",      
    "some_tenant_b_prefix_default": {
        "NAME": "some_value",
        "USER": "some_value",
        "PASSWORD": "some_value",
        "HOST": "some_value",
        "PORT": "some_value",      

From the above example, we infer that the default key in the DATABASES setting is actually a template and the actual configuration for this template, for each tenant, is defined in the KV store.

Now for this scenario, the expected behavior of the router is as follows:

  • All writes should be sent to the respective tenant's DB with alias of the form some_tenant_prefix_default.
  • All reads should be sent to the respective tenant's DB with alias of the form some_tenant_prefix_default.
  • All relations between objects should be allowed within a particular tenant's DB.
  • All models present in the app should be migrated to all tenant DBs'.

The above behavior is exactly what the app will get when it plugs-in the DjangoOrmRouter class that ships with the package.


DATABASE_ROUTERS = ['tenant_router.orm_backends.django_orm.router.DjangoOrmRouter']

Scenario 2: Central / Tenant-specific DBs

This is a typical scenario in a multi-tenant cloud environment wherein the web app interacts with both a tenant-specific DB and a central DB, which is common across tenants. The diagram below illustrates this case.

// diag goes here.

The configuration in could be as follows:

import os

    # template alias
    "default": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...}
    # reserved key
    "central_db": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...}

# KV store settings for the above template
    "some_tenant_a_prefix_default": {
        "NAME": "some_value",
        "USER": "some_value",
        "PASSWORD": "some_value",
        "HOST": "some_value",
        "PORT": "some_value",      
    "some_tenant_b_prefix_default": {
        "NAME": "some_value",
        "USER": "some_value",
        "PASSWORD": "some_value",
        "HOST": "some_value",
        "PORT": "some_value",      

From the above example, we infer that the default key is treated as a template alias for which the actual configuration comes from the KV store, for each tenant. However the central_db key is treated as a reserved alias as its configuration comes from the env and not the KV store since it remains the same across all tenants.

In such a case, the expected behavior of the router is as follows:

  • All writes should be sent either to a tenant-specific DB or the central DB depending on some condition.
  • All reads should be sent either to a tenant-specific DB or the central DB depending on some condition.
  • Relations between objects should be allowed within the same DB (either tenant-specific / central)
  • A migration strategy which decides whether a model should be migrated on to the central DB or tenant-specific DB.

In order to achieve the above, the following modifications should be made:

  1. Action: Provide a router for each reserved alias defined and stack it on top of the DjangoOrmRouter class in the DATABASE_ROUTERS setting.
    Purpose: Since all routers defined for each reserved alias would be consulted in order before falling back to the DjangoOrmRouter, it ensures that custom routing/migration logic for each reserved alias would be tried and executed before executing the routing/migration logic for template aliases.

  2. Action: Provide keys which should be treated as reserved aliases to the manager class.
    Purpose: This helps in isolating the template aliases from the reserved ones so as to power up a few public APIs of the manager class and also for other internal purposes.

  3. Action: A custom migration strategy callable should be plugged into the DjangoOrmRouter class. This would be called from within the allow_migrate method whose return value will be the value that this callable returns.
    Purpose: This callable would decide whether a particular model gets migrated onto DBs' defined as part of the template aliases.

# custom router for the 'central_db' reserved alias
class CustomRouter:

    def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
        if some_condition:
            return "central_db"
        return None

    def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
        if some_condition:
            return "central_db"

        return None

    def allow_relation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return None

    def allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, model_name=None, **hints):
        if some_condition:
            return True
            return False
        return None

# sample migrate_strategy_callable
def migrate_strategy(
        router, db, app_label, model_name=None, **hints
    if some_condition:
        return True
        return False

    return None

# modified settings

    'django_orm': {
        'MANAGER': 'tenant_router.orm_backends.django_orm.manager.DjangoOrmManager',
        'OPTIONS': {
            # marking the 'central_db' key as a reserved alias
            'RESERVED_CONN_ALIASES': {'central_db'},
            # plugging in the callable which defines the custom migrate strategy
            'ROUTER_OPTS': {
                'MIGRATE_STRATEGY': ''


Since all DB queries made via the ORM, would now need to be bound to a tenant context, by default, any query run from within the shell would fail.

In order to fix this, some tenant context has to be set explicitly as follows:

$ python shell
>>> from tenant_router.managers.task_local import tls_tenant_manager
>>> from tenant_router.managers import tenant_context_manager
>>> from tenant_router.context_decorators import tenant_context_bind
>>> tls_tenant_manager.push_tenant_context(
... tenant_context_manager.get_by_id('some_tenant_id'))
>>> ...some queries with some_tenant_id as context...
>>> tls_tenant_manager.pop_tenant_context()
>>> with tenant_context_bind('some_other_tenant_id'):
>>>     ... some more queries with some_other_tenant_id as context
>>> quit()

WARNING: For Django ORM, if reserved aliases have been defined, then it is possible to execute queries pertaining to the models which are linked to those aliases without setting a tenant context but this is highly not recommended as this could cause unnecessary confusion around why a few queries would fail but others would succeed.


Django provides out-of-the-box support for configuring and using various cache systems with the web server. Typically, for a single-tenant web app, there could be zero or more caches configured as part of the CACHES dictionary.



    "default": {...},
    "alias-1": {...}

Now in the context of a multi-tenant web app, the following scenarios are possible:

  1. All caches defined are tenant-specific and located in respective tenant environments.
  2. Some caches could be tenant-specific while others could be centrally located.

Combining both the above scenarios, the configuration above would have to be expanded as follows:

# assume that 'tenant-1' and 'tenant-2' are the respective tenant ids.

    # 'default' cache is centrally located
    "default": {...},
    # 'alias-1' cache is located in
    # the tenant-specific environment. 
    "tenant-1-alias-1": {...},
    "tenant-2-alias-1": {...}

As a consequence of the above configuration expansion, the following problems occur:

  1. It is not possible to hard-code the configurations for the respective tenants as mentioned above, as tenant configurations can be added/changed dynamically and so they will have to be updated at runtime without a server restart.
  2. In an already existing code base, any access to a particular cache would have been done as follows:
from django.core.cache import caches
cache = caches['default']
# some cache ops to follow

All places where access to cache has been made in the above way has to be refactored to include the tenant_id prefix as applicable. For eg:

from django.core.cache import caches

# The following line 
cache = caches['alias-1']

# would have to be refactored into
cache = caches['tenant-1-alias-1']

Also since such access could be made from a view, the tenant_id prefix would have to be picked up dynamically as well from the current request context.

Both the above problems have been solved auto-magically by the library via a monkey patch that runs when the app bootstraps.

IMPORTANT: However, it is highly recommended that developers create a singleton instance of the tenant_router.cache.patch.TenantAwareCacheHandler class in code and refactor imports from from djang.core.cache import caches to

In order to discern which aliases are to be treated as reserved, the TENANT_ROUTER_CACHE_SETTINGS has to be configured. For details about how to configure this setting, click here

Unit tests

Django ORM

Since the web app is now capable of interacting with multiple DBs', the following guidelines have been laid down by Django in this context, which have to be understood first to proceed further.


As the first point above highlights, in order to control the creation order of databases, a DEPENDENCIES key could be specified for each DB configuration. By default, Django assumes that all DBs' depend on the default DB unless the DEPENDENCIES key is explicitly set, and so will create the default database first. Django also implicitly assumes that the default database has no dependencies.

However since the DATABASES configuration could now potentially contain a mix of reserved aliases and template aliases, the default behavior of Django would break if the default DB is marked as a template alias because when Django tries to create it, it would error out since the . In order to prevent this from happening, it is mandatory to set the DEPENDENCIES key explicitly in all DB configurations according to the following rules based on alias type:

  1. Template alias: The value should either be an empty list or can have only reserved aliases
    in it.
  2. Reserved alias: The value should either be an empty list or can have other reserved aliases
    in it.

Below is an illustration of the above mentioned points:

    # template alias
    "default": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...},
        # This DB doesn't have any deps
        "TEST": {
            'DEPENDENCIES': []
    # reserved alias
    "central_db": {
        "NAME": os.environ["PG_DATABASE"],
        "USER": os.environ.get("PG_USER"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD"),
        "HOST": os.environ["PG_HOST"],
        "PORT": os.environ["PG_PORT"],
        "OPTIONS": {...},
        # This DB doesn't have any deps
        "TEST": {
            'DEPENDENCIES': []

!!! note If the default alias is marked as a reserved alias, then it is possible to skip defining the DEPENDENCIES key but this is highly unrecommended as this can cause unnecessary confusion when the configuration changes later on and also because explicit is better than implicit.

Custom test runner

The behavior of the default test runner provided by Django is as follows:

  1. Creates test suites.
  2. Identifies the DB aliases which should be picked for creating test databases.
  3. Creates test databases on the selected set of aliases and applies DB migrations on each of them.
  4. Runs all test suites.
  5. Tears down the entire environment including all test databases which were created.

A more detailed version of the above can be found here

The second point highlights that every test suite which involves DB interaction in a multi-DB scenario, could define the DB aliases that each test within the suite would interact with, at the class level, thereby telling Django to create test databases for all those DB aliases. For example:

# consider the same `DATABASES` setting from the above example
from django.test import TestCase
class HospitalModelTest(TestCase):
    databases = {'default', 'central_db'}
    # This instructs Django to create test databases for the
    # `default` and `central_db` aliases. 

    def setUp(self):

    def test_object_create(self):
        default_obj = SomeModel.objects.get(...)
        central_db_obj = CentralDbModel.objects.get(...)
        self.assertEqual(default_obj.some_attr, 'some_value')
        self.assertEqual(central_db_obj.some_attr, 'some_value')

!!! note The databases attribute set at the class level could be a combination of template aliases and reserved aliases or, if not set explicitly, would fall back to the default alias.

When the above test case is run, it would fail due to the following reasons:

  1. The template aliases present in the databases attribute is not tenant normalized. As a result, creation of test databases for these aliases would fail.
  2. Since test DB creation fails, any ORM queries made within tests when run would subsequently fail.

To fix both the above problems, plug in the custom test runner as follows:

TEST_RUNNER = 'tenant_router.orm_backends.django_orm.test_util.TenantAwareTestRunner'

Other ORM libraries

Since the other ORM libraries that ship with this package do not have a well defined test strategy, apps will have to implement their own testing strategy.

!!! important If a custom test runner other than TenantAwareTestRunner is used, then it should either take up the responsibility of setting the tenant context for the scope of the entire test run or can delegate it potentially to the setUpClass or setUp methods of the individual TestCase classes.

The pre-fork problem

In order to scale and take advantage of the underlying hardware, process managers (like Gunicorn, Celery etc.,) typically spawn multiple worker/child processes using a pre-fork server model. Interestingly there are two variations of this model depending on when the fork actually happens.

  • The master process forks itself first to spawn workers and then loads the Django app in each of the worker processes. This is the default behaviour in WSGI servers like Gunicorn, uWSGI etc.,

  • The master process loads the Django app first and then forks itself. This is the default behaviour in Celery. The same can be achieved in the WSGI servers mentioned above as well by enabling a specific setting. (For eg: In Gunicorn, this can be achieved by setting the preload_app to True)

For the pub/sub mechanism to work correctly, it is mandatory that a background event listener (thread) be spawned in each of the worker processes to receive and process events.

Assuming that the code for launching the BG event listener (thread) is placed in the ready method of the tenant_router app, it would work fine for the first variant mentioned above but would fail for the second variant since background threads launched in the parent process don't survive a fork and hence won't be copied into the child processes.

Also, apart from the pre-fork server model, it is possible to use other methods to launch child/worker processes, though they're not being widely used in practice. More info about this can be found here.

Considering all the above mentioned cases, it is impossible for the library to determine the right place to put code responsible for launching the backgound event listener (thread).

In order to solve this, the library exposes a callback which has to be invoked in every child/worker process once it's spawned. It is the responsibility of the developers to hook this callback in the right place so that it is invoked appropriately.

For example, if gunicorn is being used, then in the file, place the following code:

# on_worker_init and on_worker_exit are the callbacks exposed by the library
# they should be imported and used as follows:
from tenant_router.bootstrap import on_worker_init, on_worker_exit   

def post_worker_init(worker):

def worker_exit(server, worker):

NOTE: The on_worker_exit callback is responsible for gracefully shutting down the background event listener (thread). Although it would be ideal if invoked from an appropriate hook, it is not entirely mandatory in case such a hook is unavailable.

Similarly, if uWSGI is being used, then these callbacks could be invoked from the post-fork hook.

If, for some reason, the WSGI server doesn't expose such a hook, the low-level register_at_fork method can be used, though this might not work on some platforms.

IMPORTANT: If Celery is being used, then the app does not have to do anything as the library already hooks these callbacks to the worker_process_init and worker_process_shutdown signals.


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