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Bryan Lajoie edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 1 revision


* interactions - 2d numpy array, matrix container

np.array. shape=(n,n) dtype=float64, compression=gzip, chunks=(blocksize,blocksize)


np.array. list of all chromosomes by name


np.array. returns nx2 list. [start,end] index for each chromosome, genome-wide.


np.array. returns nx3 list. [chrindex,bin_start,bin_end] index for each chromosome, genome-wide.


np.array. returns nx1 list. [factorss] float64, balance factors for each bin, genome-wide.



ucsc genome assembly

*restriction_enzyme (next feature release)

*binsize (next feature release)

*numreads (next feature release)

*data_type enzyme (next feature release)