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A simple Dashboard with different API integrations based upon ionic and vue

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Web2 Projekt

Name: Stefan Kern

Projektname: Pebblepond

DevSystem: Windows 10



A simple Application displaying a Dashboard that presents Information of open API's like OpenMensa with the inclusion of Weather and Maps via OpenWeatherMap and OpenStreetMap respectively.

Interactions therefor will be mainly based upon voting Systems for new Ideas using the PebblePond API.

So why Pebbles? Basically it should be easily expandable. just throw in your Idea on what to add next, throw your Pebble into this wonderful information Pond, and vote on which Pebble should be worked on next! And right after find the Pebbles you enjoy and share the Love.

Project Requirements:

Client-Server-Application with Front- and Backend:

The Frontend will be based upon a Dashboard that allows interactions with different API's, while using a self defined API to determine Data of the Host PC like CPU and RAM Usage.

Input of form-data in the frontend

Forms are apparent at several locations. For Pebble Idea creation and in the Contact Page.

Usage of a REST API (static like

Open-Mensa is going to get used to determine the food Items for the upcomming 5 days in which the mensa is opened.

Usage of dynamic data from a sensor (probably create an own REST API?)

For dynamic data I chose a little widget displaying the current CPU and RAM usage, the first intended use with the Twitter-API got replaced by an embed displaying the THD Twitter Accounts latest post as Access to the API is not publicly available. The Second use of live-data was in the Weather Pebble displaing current weather information.

Usage of OpenStreetMap

As I'm using OpenWeatherMap and OpenMensa the inclusion of OpenStreetMap is used to display locations for both of them and maybe even for some extra features later on.

Must follow the Corporate Identity of THD/DIT

Inspired by the bocky apperance in the THD-Website the layout of Pebblebox-Dashboard shows similarities while allowing clear readability by the usage of it's dedicated fonts and colours. Icons even if not being the same (unable to find source) are represented in a clear and simple style just like the ones on the THD Website.

Development Requirements
The programming language must be TypeScript
The frontend must use Vue3 with routing
Usable on mobile phones (Android, IOS) and PC
The backend must use ExpressJS (version 4 or 5, with TypeScript)
The frontend must use Bootstrap with SASS or Ionic


  1. Clone the source of the repository into a Folder.

    git clone
  2. Install the ionic cli

    npm i -g @ionic/cli

    global installation is recommended

  3. install npm packages for the App and the API.

    cd web2-projekt/ && npm i
    cd PebbleAPI/ && npm i
  4. Set API-Keys by creating a .env file in root and importing following configs.


  5. Set the firebase config in the /src/firebase.ts file

    const config = {
        //Enter your Firebase config here!

    Create a Firebase Project with Firestore and create 3 collections named idea, contacts and shouts those are used to save the data input of the app.

  6. start the API-Server in it's PebbleAPI/ folder.

    npm run dev
  7. start the App in the root folder.

    ionic serve


The Server uses the Localhost Port Number :1337

The App uses the Localhost Port Number :8100

In case errors persist change the Ports to open ones in following files:


Change the properties in PebbleAPI/.env to suit your environment.


Then change the API adress for correct access in the App via /.env



instead of calling ionic serve to start the App, start it like this:

here with Example of Port:6000:

ionic serve -p 6000

Known Issues and Errors

Errors showing in VsCode

`slot` attributes are deprecated.

The slots that the Ionic Framework uses are not the same as Vue 2 slots. The slots used here are Web Component slots and are valid usage:

Errors showing in the browser commandline

GET http://localhost:1337/api/data/memory net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
GET http://localhost:1337/api/data/cpu net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Those connection errors appear if the backend server for the "Serverinformation" Pebble isn't running. Start the server via the instructions above to fix the issue.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Error appears if the Mensa Pebble can't load todays meals. Which happens on Weekends for example.

Other issues

First Load is taking long

This mostly comes down to the overhead of the ionic packages, give it some time and it should work itself out.

In production the overhead is highly reduced but in development it's kept for quick edits

Map is not loading correctly

This occurs when the Map module is reloaded.

Not sure how to fix


Root Page "/" redirects to "/thd"

Assigned to the THD Favourites Page in the Dashboard.

The THD Favourites Page presents an Overview over the most liked Pebbles or Widgets.

On the left a SideMenu can be found which is self collapsing while on mobile.

It shows the different Dashboards and the Pebble Request and Contact Page.


Pebble Pond

A Dashboard representing all the Modules created for the Plattform.

Social Media

A Dashboard representing Social Media and Chat Modules.

Pebble Request Page "/pebble"

The Pebble Request Page combines the Pebble Voting System with a Form to Create Ideas for new Pebbles.

Embedded are two Pages which are swapped via the buttons underneath the header. Data of the Voting System and the Idea Collection System is saved in a Firestore on Firebase.

Contact "/contact"

A simple contact formular saving the entered Email and Message on a dedicated Firestore on Firebase. Later on it could get connected to a email server to allow an actual way of contact.


A simple Dashboard with different API integrations based upon ionic and vue






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