Princeton University
- Princeton, New Jersey
- https://sites.google.com/view/kyungmin-noh
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4233-4490
Climate_Shell_scripts Public
These files are needed to run or pre/postprocessing the GFDL model.
CEFI-regional-MOM6 Public
Forked from NOAA-GFDL/CEFI-regional-MOM6A repository containing essential tools, XML files, and source codes for collaborators of the Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries Initiative (CEFI) to conduct simulations.
Emergent_Constraints Public
Calculating future changes in Arctic phytoplankton using the emergent constraint method
MHW_properties Public
Calculate various MHWs(Marine Heat Waves) properties from daily SST datas
MOD_plankton_model Public
Modules for the Lagrangian Plankton Model (LPM) integrated on the PALM LES model in the ocean mixed layer
CSL_Orientation Public
Basic Python Code for calculating statistics and drawing plots
Assignments for Lecture "the Big Data in Environmental Engineering" in POSTECH
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 6, 2021 -
netCDF_read_write Public
Basic fortran code and make file for reading and writing the netCDF files.
Fortran UpdatedOct 8, 2020 -
PALM_particle_combine Public
Combine the PALM generated each CPU's particle binary file to one files
Fortran UpdatedSep 23, 2019 -
GFDL_install_setting Public
Install Setting for GFDL MOM5 configuration and run scripts
Shell UpdatedAug 23, 2019 -
SEM Public
Inflow generation code by using SEM (Synthetic Eddy Method) which is extended to temperature not only fluid components
MOD_particle_tracking Public
Module for tracking the particle's trajectories, which is usually attached on the PALM code.
Fortran UpdatedFeb 7, 2019 -
Poisson_Equation Public
This program is used for solving Poisson Equation with several methods. And each methods are parallelized with openMP, MPI and GPU
1D-RANS Public
1D RANS model simulation at fully developed turbulent channel flow.
LES_Filtering Public
LES filtering from DNS channel data and get vortical structures using three different identification schemes
Projection_Cavity Public
This program is programmed to solve the cavity problem by projection method which is designed to solve the Navier-Stokes equation.