The repo contains two applications:
- BeeRouter,
- BeeController.
Both applications are deployed on Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 ARM-Cortex M0+ MCU. Connection between BeeMaster and BeeRouter: Zigbee based on Xbee modules. Connection between BeeRouter and BeeControllers: WiFi based on ESP-01s modules. BeeRouter is local master for connected BeeControllers and is responsible for routing data between BeeMaster and controllers with the use of pushing data received from Xbee to ESP-01s network (and vice versa). BeeController is responsible for collecting measurements from local BeeHive. One Beehive - one BeeController.
BeeMaster repo: TODO
All build commands should be executed from docker image attached to this repo as submodule: dockerimage. It is assumed that Unix OS is used by user.
Build docker image named: nemuuser/avr-build-env with tag: latest:
bash dockerimage/
Run and connect to the command interface:
bash dockerimage/
All next steps should be executed from running docker image.
TODO next steps