This package aims to help developers build connectors (sources/destinations) really fast in Go. The focus of this package is developer efficiency. It focusses on letting developers focus more on connector business logic instead of airbyte protocol knowledge.
go get
- View the godoc's here:
- The fastest way to get started it to look at the full example in
or the Example in the godoc
- Define a source by implementing the
// Source is the only interface you need to define to create your source!
type Source interface {
// Spec returns the input "form" spec needed for your source
Spec(logTracker LogTracker) (*ConnectorSpecification, error)
// Check verifies the source - usually verify creds/connection etc.
Check(srcCfgPath string, logTracker LogTracker) error
// Discover returns the schema of the data you want to sync
Discover(srcConfigPath string, logTracker LogTracker) (*Catalog, error)
// Read will read the actual data from your source and use tracker.Record(), tracker.State() and tracker.Log() to sync data with airbyte/destinations
// MessageTracker is thread-safe and so it is completely find to spin off goroutines to sync your data (just don't forget your waitgroups :))
// returning an error from this will cancel the sync and returning a nil from this will successfully end the sync
Read(sourceCfgPath string, prevStatePath string, configuredCat *ConfiguredCatalog,
tracker MessageTracker) error
- Inside of main, pass your source into the sourcerunner
func main() {
fsrc := filesource.NewFileSource("foobar.txt")
runner := airbyte.NewSourceRunner(fsrc)
err := runner.Start()
if err != nil {
- Write a dockerfile (sample below)
FROM golang:1.17-buster as build
ADD . /base/
RUN go build -o /base/app .
LABEL io.airbyte.version=0.0.1
ENTRYPOINT ["/base/app"]
- Push to your docker repository and profit!
- We'd like to give a shoutout and thank you to @ajzo90 and his initial work on @ajzo90's project inspired this project