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IDisposable and Scoped values

Alex Peck edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 8 revisions

All cache classes in BitFaster.Caching own the lifetime of cached values and will automatically dispose values when they are evicted.

This makes it convenient to dispose objects on removal, but without additional defensive code the caller is exposed to races that can result in unexpected failures. Consider this code which will throw InvalidOperationException:

public async Task Race()
    using var source = new CancellationTokenSource();
    var cache = new ConcurrentLru<int, MyDisposable>(10);

    // 1. background: add and remove the same value
    var t = Task.Run(() => 
        while (!source.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
            cache.AddOrUpdate(0, new MyDisposable());

        // 2. foreground: read the value and use it assuming it is not disposed
        while (true)
            if (cache.TryGet(0, out var d))
        await t;

public class MyDisposable : IDisposable
    public bool isDisposed = false;
    public void Use() { if (isDisposed) throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
    public void Dispose() {  isDisposed = true; }

This code fails because of a race:

  1. Foreground thread: cache returns the value, storing a reference in d.
  2. Background thread: value is removed from the cache and disposed.
  3. Foreground thread: attempt to use d, which is now disposed.


To avoid races using objects after they have been disposed by the cache, use IScopedCache which wraps values in Scoped<T>. The call to ScopedGetOrAdd creates a Lifetime that guarantees the scoped object will not be disposed until the lifetime is disposed. Scoped cache is thread safe, and guarantees correct disposal for concurrent lifetimes.

var lru = new ConcurrentLruBuilder<int, SomeDisposable>()
var valueFactory = new SomeDisposableValueFactory();

using (var lifetime = lru.ScopedGetOrAdd(1, valueFactory.Create))
    // lifetime.Value is guaranteed to be alive until the lifetime is disposed
class SomeDisposableValueFactory
   public Scoped<SomeDisposable>> Create(int key)
      return new Scoped<SomeDisposable>(new SomeDisposable(key));

In the following sequence of operations, Threads A and B both lookup an IDisposable object from the cache and hold a lifetime. Thread C then deletes the object from the cache while it is in use. Each thread's lifetime instance ensures that the object is alive until all threads have disposed their lifetime.

    participant Thread A
    participant Thread B
    participant Thread C
    participant Cache
    participant Scope
    participant Lifetime Cache    
    participant Lifetime A
    participant Lifetime B
    Thread A->>Cache: A calls ScopedGetOrAdd
    Cache->>Scope: create scope
    activate Scope 
    Scope-->>Object: create object
    activate Object
    Cache-->Lifetime Cache: cache holds lifetime
    activate Lifetime Cache
    Cache-->Lifetime A: creates A's lifetime
    activate Lifetime A
    Lifetime A-->> Thread A: A holds lifetime
    Thread B->>Cache: B calls ScopedGetOrAdd
    Cache-->Lifetime B: creates B's lifetime
    activate Lifetime B
    Lifetime B-->> Thread B: B holds lifetime
    Thread C->>Cache: C calls TryRemove
    Cache--xLifetime Cache: Cache removes the object and disposes lifetime
    deactivate Lifetime Cache
    Thread A->>Object: Thread A uses the object
    Lifetime A->>Thread A: A disposes lifetime
    Lifetime A--x Scope: lifetime de-refs scope
    deactivate Lifetime A
    Thread B->>Object: Thread B uses the object
    Lifetime B->>Thread B: B disposes lifetime
    Lifetime B--x Scope: B de-refs scope
    deactivate Lifetime B
    Scope--xObject: dispose object
    deactivate Object
    deactivate Scope

Scoped caches and object pooling

Pooling is a popular technique for reducing memory allocations that can be implemented using IDisposable wrappers to return objects to the pool when the wrapper is disposed. Scoped caches are suitable for such pooling implementations, where a lifetime can guarantee that the cached object will not be disposed while it is in use.