Bist FastCOM
is highly scalable, very fast and reliable stream transmitter library. It is mainly designed to elavate the capabilities of UDP
to provide reliable and fast data transmission by using.
Package comes with
FastCOM also comes with handy command-line utilities that help u create/remove shared-memory, set shared-memory parameters and load data to the specified shared-memory.
Creates and removes IPC with MDSTStreamHeader struct:
struct StreamHeader
struct sockaddr_in InfAddr;
struct sockaddr_in RecoveryClientAddr;
struct sockaddr_in RecoveryServerAddr;
unsigned int MPListMPIdx;
unsigned int MPListRPIdx;
unsigned int StreamSize;
unsigned int MPListSize;
unsigned int MPListSem;
struct MissingPage EOSRcvrPage;
This utility takes 4 arguments:
- id of shared memory
- operation (CREATE or REMOVE)
- size of MissingPage struct (for recovery channel)
- size of the stream data to be hold in shared memory
Example usage:
$ ./ManageIPCS 2 CREATE 65535 268435455
$ ./ManageIPCS 2 REMOVE
Assign values for socket addresses described in the struct below.
This utility takes 4 arguments:
- id of shared memory
- which socket value to assign (INF_ADDR, RCVR_SRVR_ADDR or RCVR_CLNT_ADDR)
- IPV4 address for the socket
- port number for the socket
Example usage:
$ ./MDST_SetPrm 2 INF_ADDR 2001
$ ./MDST_SetPrm 2 RCVR_SRVR_ADDR 2002
$ ./MDST_SetPrm 2 RCVR_CLNT_ADDR 2002
You can save the data from shared memory to a file OR you can load data to shared memory at once.
This utility takes 3 arguments:
- id of shared memory
- operation (LOAD or SAVE)
- filename to save or load
Example usage:
$ ./MDST_ManagePacketLog 2 LOAD data_load_file
$ ./MDST_ManagePacketLog 2 SAVE data_save_file
Sends shared memory data via broadcast.
This utility takes 2 arguments:
- id of shared memory
- loop number for send the other paket
Example usage:
$ ./MDST_Sender 2 2000
$ ./MDST_Sender 2 0
Sends shared memory data if broadcast not received by receiver.
This utility takes 1 arguments:
- id of shared memory
Example usage:
$ ./MDST_RecoveryServer 2
Receives data via broadcast and write to shared memory.
This utility takes 1 arguments:
- id of shared memory
Example usage:
$ ./MDST_Receiver 1
Requests data if broadcast not received and receives data that send from MDST_RecoveryServer.
This utility takes 1 arguments:
- id of shared memory
Example usage:
$ ./MDST_RecoveryClient 1