Case Control Allele Frequency (AF) Estimation R Package
This repository contains the source code for the CaseControlAF R package which can be used to reconstruct the allele frequency (AF) for cases and controls separately given commonly available summary statistics.
The package contains two functions:
- CaseControl_AF
- CaseControl_SE
See full documentation, vignettes, and examples here: (
To install this package using BioConductor (Not yet available):
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
To download this package using devtools in R:
Use this function when you have the following statistics (for each variant)
- Number of cases
- Number of controls
- Odds Ratio (OR) or beta coefficient
- AF (allele frequency) for the total sample (cases and controls combined)
data: a dataframe with a row for each variant and columns for OR and total AF
N_case: an integer for the number of case samples
N_control: an integer for the number of control samples
OR_colname: a string containing the exact column name in 'data' with the OR
AF_total_colname: a string containing the exact column name in 'data' with the total AF
Returns a dataframe with two columns: AF_case and AF_control. The number of rows is equal to the number of variants.
Use this function when you have the following statistics (for each variant)
- Number of cases
- Number of controls
- Odds Ratio (OR) or beta coefficient
- SE of the log(OR) for each variant
Code adapted from ReACt GroupFreq function available here: (
data: a dataframe where each row is a variant and columns for the OR, SE, chromosome, and position
N_case: an integer for the number of case samples
N_control: an integer for the number of control samples
OR_colname: a string containing the exact column name in data with the odds ratios
SE_colname: a string containing the exact column name in data with the standard errors
position_colname: a string containing the exact column name in data with the positions of the variants
chromosome_colname: a string containing the exact column name in data with the chromosome of the variants. Note, sex chromosomes can be either characters ('X', 'x', 'Y', 'y') or numeric where X=23 and Y=24
sex_chromosomes: boolean, TRUE if variants from sex chromosome(s) are included in the dataset
do_correction: boolean, TRUE if data is provided to correct the estimates using proxy MAFs
remove_sex_chromosomes: boolean, TRUE if variants on sex chromosomes should be removed. This is only necessary if sex_chromosomes == TRUE and the number of XX/XY individuals per case and control sample is NOT known
CaseControl_SE has the following optional inputs:
If sex_chromosomes == TRUE and remove_sex_chromosomes == FALSE, then the following inputs are required:
N_XX_case: the number of XX chromosome case individuals
N_XX_control: the number of XX chromosome control individuals
N_XY_case: the number of XY chromosome case individuals
N_XY_control: the number of XY chromosome control individuals
If do_correction == TRUE, then data must be provided that includes harmonized data with proxy MAFs
correction_data: a dataframe with the following EXACT column names: CHR, POS, proxy_MAF, containing data for variants harmonized between the observed and proxy datasets
Returns the data dataframe with three additional columns with names: MAF_case, MAF_control and MAF_total containing the estimated minor allele frequency in the cases, controls, and total sample. The number of rows is equal to the number of variants. If proxyMAFs_colname is not NA, will include three additional columns containing the adjusted estimated MAFs (MAF_case_adj, MAF_control_adj, MAF_total_adj)
NOTE: This method assumes we are estimating the minor allele frequency (MAF)
See full documentation, vignettes, and examples here: (