- STM32F103C8T6 minimum Development Board(BluePill)
- ST Link V2 Programmer For STM8 STM32
- Windows 10 Pro
- Mbed CLE(mbed os 2)
- Installation
clone this repository
- In Source Tree, need to get submodule recursively.
install STM32 ST-LINK Utility(including usb device driver)
update ST-Link V2 firmware with ST-LINK Utility
- ST-LINK -> Firmware update -> Device Connect
install mbed-cli-windows-installer
install python modules
C:\WorkSpace\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples> pip install -r .\tools\requirements.txt
C:\WorkSpace\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples> pip install mbed-cli==1.10.1 pyelftools jsonschema
- Build & upload project
C:\WorkSpace\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples> mbed config root .
C:\WorkSpace\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples> mbed deploy
C:\WorkSpace\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples> mbed compile -m BLUEPILL_F103C8 -t GCC_ARM
C:\WorkSpace\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples> ST-LINK_CLI.exe -c SWD -P .\BUILD\BLUEPILL_F103C8\GCC_ARM\mbedos2-cli-bluepill-samples.bin 0x8000000 -Rst -Run -NoPrompt
- if clean building,
mbed compile -c -m BLUEPILL_F103C8 -t GCC_ARM
mbed deploy
for extract library files- I use mbed-dev submodule (need to get recursively or update in Source Tree)
settings: get recursively
menu: update submodule
see examples
- install Arduino STM32 device
or - board manager (I use this)
- tool > board > board manager > Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M3)
- board setting
- Board: Generic STM32F103C series
- Optimize: Smallest
- Variant: STM32F103C8 (20k RAM, 64k Flash) or STM32F103CB (20k RAM, 128k Flash)
- CPU Speed(MHz): 72MHz (Normal)
- Upload method: STLink
- Serial port: (non selection)
- Programmer: USBasp
- see wiki
- USBDevice_STM32F103
- USBComposite_stm32f1(for Arduino)
- BluePillのmbed VSCode開発環境を構築してみた
- windows is not good for it(for vscode settings ex. make command)
- Install OpenOCD
- Blue Pill + mbed
- STM32F103C8T6 でLチカ
- Mbed OS 2のサポートがいつ終わっても良いようにローカル環境を構築する方法【改訂版】