This project provides a quick introduction on how to setup, configure and use the Bigraph Framework.
This main class org.example.MainBigraphApplication
creates a signature and two bigraphs first, and performs the following operations afterwards:
- The two bigraphs are composed
- A reactive system is created, a matching conducted and the agent rewritten
- A bigraph is converted to the BigraphER specification language format
All the dependencies are included in the generated JAR.
# Create the executable JAR
$ mvn clean package -PfatJar
# Execute the application
$ java -jar ./target/fatJar-empty-project-skeleton-bigraphframework-VERSION.jar
The necessary dependencies are installed in your local Maven repository, and also copied in a local folder next to the
generated JAR and referred to at runtime.
That is, the classpath in the MANIFEST.MF
is set to libs/
(relative to the generated JAR).
# Create the executable JAR
$ mvn clean install -PlocalLib
# Execute the application
$ java -jar ./target/localLib-empty-project-skeleton-bigraphframework-VERSION.jar
The necessary dependencies are installed in your local Maven repository, which is where the generated application refers to.
That is, the classpath in the MANIFEST.MF
is set to ~/.m2/repository/
# Create the executable JAR
$ mvn clean install -PlocalM2
# Execute the application
$ java -jar ./target/localM2-empty-project-skeleton-bigraphframework-VERSION.jar