+ Added cl_connection_trouble_show "1"; to indicate network instability in the top right while playing
+ Added net_steamcnx_enabled "2"; to force use of steam networking to avoid IP leaks
+ Added griefing buy bind to purchase an R8 and "fun" utility.
+ Added fin_streamermode toggle
+ Added fin_toggleinspect alias for take screenshots of skins.
+ Added the three in game screenshot concommands to the F12 key which also takes a steam screenshot
+ Added viewmodel adjustment binds to PGUP/PGDN and numpad number keys 1 through 9
+ Added sv_prime_accounts_only "1" to Privacy & Safety settings.
+ Added server.cfg based off of the old draco.cfg, designed for a private skin inspection server.
+ Added more formatting settings to .vscode/settings.json
+ Added extensions.json with a CFG syntax highlighting recommended extension.
* Changed cl_clanid
* Lowered mm_dedicated_search_maxping from 135 to 65.
* Adjusted whitespace
* Increased loudshift volume by 0.15 (0.15 -> 0.3 and 0.1 -> 0.25)
* Fixed chat aliases to use fin_ prefix
* Fixed fin_vmphighfov to use Y offset depth of 2 instead of -2.
* Changed MOUSE5 to use the griefing buy bind instead of the AWP.
* Changed video.txt from exclusive fullscreen to borderless windowed.
* Adjusted CHANGELOG.md for better Markdown compliance.
- Removed fin_clanid from fin_keycontainer.
- Removed autoknifeinspect from "4" key, replaced with normal slot3 concommand.
- Removed old tournament-style Draco server config.