Submissions to ENA can be made using programmatic submission service using cURL
. Submissions of different types (STUDY, SAMPLE, EXPERIMENT, RUN) can be made using XML files. The script
is used to generate these files. Informations used to generate XML are extracted from a more convenient Excel spreadsheet template (spreadsheet_template.xlsx
). The XML receipt is further parsed using
extract accession numbers assigned by the service.
We encourage you to read the ENA training modules.
- cURL:
sudo apt-get install curl
- hashlib
- yattag
- untangle
- pandas
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The easiest option is to clone the repository:
git clone [-h] [--data_dir DATA_DIR] [--out_dir OUT_DIR] SPREADSHEET_FILE
Generate xml files to submit to ENA server
positional arguments:
SPREADSHEET_FILE Excel spreadsheet file (xls, xlsx, ods)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data_dir DATA_DIR, -d DATA_DIR
directory containing the data (reads)
Default: current dir
--out_dir OUT_DIR, -o OUT_DIR
output directory containing the generated xml files
Default: current dir [-h] [--tsv] [--out OUT_FILE] RECEIPT_XML
Parse the XML data received from the submission server
positional arguments:
RECEIPT_XML receipt xml file from ENA server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tsv, -t output in tabular format (space separated value)
optional output file
Default: stdout
Use Excel to edit the submission informations in the spreadsheet template file (spreadsheet_template.xlsx
). Use one sheat for each type of data:
A project (also referred to as a study) is used to group other objects together, so we will look into creating a project as a first step towards to submit ENA objects.
- alias: this is a unique code to refer to your study, eg proj_0000
- TITLE: a descriptive short title
- DESCRIPTION: an abstract detailing the project
Use one line per sample. ENA provides sample checklists which define all the mandatory and recommended attributes for specific types of samples. We do not define a checklist here, then the samples will be validated against the ENA default checklist ERC000011. This checklist has virtually no mandatory fields but contains many optional attributes that can help you to annotate your samples to the highest possible standard. You can find all the checklists here.
- alias: a unique code, eg: sam_0000
- TITLE: sample name eg: Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
- TAXON_ID: eg: 4932
- SCIENTIFIC_NAME: eg: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- COMMON_NAME: eg: baker's yeast (optional)
- strain
- sample_description
- collected_by
- geographic location (country and/or sea)
- geographic location (region and locality)
- isolation_source
An experiment object represents the library that is created from a sample and used in a sequencing experiment. The experiment object contains details about the sequencing platform and library protocols. An experiment is part of a study and is assocated with a sample. It is common to have multiple libraries and sequencing experiments for a single sample. Experiments point to samples to allow sharing of sample information between multiple experiments.
- alias: a unique code, eg: exp_0000
- TITLE: a short title
- STUDY_REF: code of the project, eg: proj_0000
- SAMPLE_DESCRIPTOR: code of the sample, eg: sample_0000
- LIBRARY_NAME: a unique code, eg: lib_0000
- LIBRARY_STRATEGY: controlled value fields
- LIBRARY_SOURCE: controlled value fields
- LIBRARY_SELECTION: controlled value fields
- PAIRED: yes|no
- NOMINAL_LENGTH: average insert size
- NOMINAL_SDEV: standard deviation of insert size (optional)
- INSTRUMENT_MODEL: eg: Illumina HiSeq 2000
The run points to the experiment using the experiment’s alias.
- alias: a unique code, eg: run_0000
- EXPERIMENT_REF: code of the experiment, eg: exp_0000
- filetype: eg: fastq
- filename_r1: path to read file 1
- filename_r2: path to read file 2 (optional if single)
This script can be used to:
- upload run files (reads) to the ftp server (using
), - generate XML files (using
), - submit the XML files to server (using
), - parse the XML receipt (using
Please give the following parameters:
for testing. You'll use the testing server. We encourage you to first validate your data using this server,TEST="false"
to submit your data. You'll use the production server. This is a real submission!
is used to submit new data,ACTION="MODIFY"
is used to update submited data
If you have not submitted to Webin before, please register a submission account here.
Create a file containing the credentials used to connect to the ENA
server: one line with user
and password
separated by a space character:
user password
Update this line accordingly:
The name of the spreadsheet file containing your data. You would start using the template spreadsheet given with the project.
This directory should contain the sequencing read files. Generally *.fastq.gz
Update if you want the XMLs to be generated in another directory.