Fermini is system for monitoring yeast fermentations.
In 2010, participating in a yeast phenotyping project, I took the initiative to design a system to store data obtained from small volume fermentations.
- The Fermini system is dedicated to fermentation in small volumes (300 mL) that do not require a kinetic monitoring
- It facilitates the data management (weighing and sampling);
- The data are securerely stored in a database;
- Data can be exported in "one-click" in a file in ODS format (spreadsheet);
For Debian/Ubuntu:
$ su -
aptitude install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client phpmyadmin
Install Perl modules from CPAN:
cpan -i CPAN::Bundle YAML Term::ReadLine::Perl Device::SerialPort DBI OpenOffice::OODoc
Clone from GitHub:
cd /var/www
git clone https://github.com/bigey/Fermini.git
cd Fermini
Or download sources from GitHub:
unzip Fermini-master.zip
mkdir /var/www/Fermini
mv -r Fermini-master/* /var/www/Fermini
cd /var/www/Fermini
Edit the scrip create_fermentation_db.sh
cd /var/www/Fermini/Install
nano create_fermentation_db.sh
Set the password for the root
MySQL account:
Edit the scrip fermini_db_creation.sql
cd /var/www/Install
nano fermini_db_creation.sql
Set the password for the www-data
(apache2) user accessing the Fermini
database in the line bellow:
CREATE USER 'www-data'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Then create the database:
bash /var/www/Fermini/Install/create_fermentation_db.sh
Edit the scrip constantes.php
cd /var/www/Fermini
nano /var/www/Fermini/constantes.php
Set password in the line bellow:
define("PASS", "password");
Edit the scrip export_2_oocalc.pl
cd /var/www/Scripts
nano export_2_oocalc.pl
Set the password in the line bellow:
my $user="www-data";
my $password="password";
The balance used here is OHAUS model Adventurer Pro AV812C (Max: 810 g, d: 0.01 g), which is an entry level balance. You can use any other manufacturers or models supporting a serial communication.
In order to access the serial port you need to add the user www-data
to the dialout
adduser www-data dialout
In the Perl script /Scripts/balance_ohaus.pl
Change the serial port accordingly (eg. /dev/ttS0
, /dev/ttS1
my $device = "/dev/ttyS0";
In function initDevice
bellow, change baudrate, parity, databits, stopbits, handshake
according to your manufacturer specification:
sub initDevice {
my $port = shift;
my $PortObj = shift;
$PortObj = Device::SerialPort->new($port) or die "Can't start $port\n";
# Serial device parameters
$PortObj->baudrate(2400); # \
$PortObj->parity("none"); # |
$PortObj->databits(7); # |Change parameters here!
$PortObj->stopbits(1); # |
$PortObj->handshake("xoff"); # /
return $PortObj;
In function parseWeight
bellow, change the parsing regex according to the output format of you balance:
sub parseWeight {
my $string = shift;
my $weight;
if ($string =~ m/(\d+\.\d\d) g \r\n/) { # <- change the regex here
$weight = $1;
} else {
warn "Weight parsing error!";
mkdir /home/<user>/bin
cp -a /var/www/Fermini/Install/mysqldump.sh /home/<user>/bin
Create an entry in crontab:
crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
0 */2 * * * /home/<user>/bin/run-mysqldump.sh