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feat: manual cubemap mipmap loading example
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bhouston committed Jul 16, 2020
1 parent 212d8d5 commit 3e11038
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Showing 58 changed files with 111 additions and 0 deletions.
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Binary file added assets/textures/cube/angusMipmaps/cube_m03_c00.jpg
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/examples/cubemaps/mipmaps/example.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"slug": "cubemap_mipmaps",
"en": {
"name": "Cube Map Manual Mipmap Textures",
"description": "Load manually generated mipmaps into the cubemap.",
"keywords": ["texture", "cubemap", "mipmaps"]
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/examples/cubemaps/mipmaps/fragment.glsl
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
precision highp float;

varying vec3 v_viewPosition;
varying vec3 v_viewNormal;
varying vec3 v_localNormal;

uniform samplerCube cubeMap;
uniform float perceptualRoughness;
uniform int mipCount;

void main() {

vec3 reflectDir = v_localNormal; //reflect( normalize( v_viewPosition ),normalize(v_viewNormal) );
float lod = clamp(perceptualRoughness * float(mipCount), 0., float(mipCount));
gl_FragColor = textureCubeLodEXT(cubeMap, reflectDir, lod);

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions src/examples/cubemaps/mipmaps/index.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import { icosahedronGeometry } from "../../../lib/geometry/primitives/polyhedronGeometry";
import { ShaderMaterial } from "../../../lib/materials/ShaderMaterial";
import { Euler } from "../../../lib/math/Euler";
import { Matrix4 } from "../../../lib/math/Matrix4";
import {
} from "../../../lib/math/Matrix4.Functions";
import { Vector3 } from "../../../lib/math/Vector3";
import { makeBufferGeometryFromGeometry } from "../../../lib/renderers/webgl/buffers/BufferGeometry";
import { DepthTestFunc, DepthTestState } from "../../../lib/renderers/webgl/DepthTestState";
import { makeProgramFromShaderMaterial } from "../../../lib/renderers/webgl/programs/Program";
import { RenderingContext } from "../../../lib/renderers/webgl/RenderingContext";
import { makeTexImage2DFromCubeTexture } from "../../../lib/renderers/webgl/textures/TexImage2D";
import { CubeMapTexture } from "../../../lib/textures/CubeTexture";
import { fetchImage } from "../../../lib/textures/loaders/Image";
import fragmentSourceCode from "./fragment.glsl";
import vertexSourceCode from "./vertex.glsl";

async function init(): Promise<null> {
const geometry = icosahedronGeometry(0.75, 4);
const material = new ShaderMaterial(vertexSourceCode, fragmentSourceCode);
const images = [];
for (let level = 0; level < 9; level++) {
for (let face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
const cubeTexture = new CubeMapTexture(await Promise.all(images));
cubeTexture.generateMipmaps = false;

const context = new RenderingContext(document.getElementById("framebuffer") as HTMLCanvasElement);
const canvasFramebuffer = context.canvasFramebuffer;
window.addEventListener("resize", () => canvasFramebuffer.resize());

const program = makeProgramFromShaderMaterial(context, material);
const uniforms = {
localToWorld: new Matrix4(),
worldToView: makeMatrix4Translation(new Vector3(0, 0, -3.0)),
viewToScreen: makeMatrix4PerspectiveFov(25, 0.1, 4.0, 1.0, canvasFramebuffer.aspectRatio),
cubeMap: makeTexImage2DFromCubeTexture(context, cubeTexture),
perceptualRoughness: 0,
mipCount: cubeTexture.mipCount,
const bufferGeometry = makeBufferGeometryFromGeometry(context, geometry);
const depthTestState = new DepthTestState(true, DepthTestFunc.Less);

function animate(): void {
const now =;

uniforms.localToWorld = makeMatrix4RotationFromEuler(
new Euler(now * 0.0001, now * 0.00033, now * 0.000077),
uniforms.perceptualRoughness = Math.sin(now * 0.005) * 0.5 + 0.5;

canvasFramebuffer.renderBufferGeometry(program, uniforms, bufferGeometry, depthTestState);


return null;

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/examples/cubemaps/mipmaps/vertex.glsl
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;

uniform mat4 localToWorld;
uniform mat4 worldToView;
uniform mat4 viewToScreen;

varying vec3 v_viewPosition;
varying vec3 v_viewNormal;
varying vec3 v_localNormal;

void main() {

v_localNormal = normalize( position );
v_viewNormal = normalize( ( worldToView * localToWorld * vec4( normalize( position ), 0. ) ).xyz );
v_viewPosition = ( worldToView * localToWorld * vec4( position, 1. ) ).xyz;
gl_Position = viewToScreen * vec4( v_viewPosition, 1. );


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