If I finish a book a week, I will read only a few thousand books in my lifetime, about a tenth of a percent of the contents of the greatest libraries of our time. The trick is to know which books to read. —Carl Sagan
clio is a browser plugin that processes search history and makes personalized book recommendations based on what you've been reading.
yarn install
browserify popup.js -o bundle.js
- Navigate to
- Click install unpacked extensions and select this repository through the file tree popup.
- That's it! Enjoy :)
- We pull your browser history using Chrome Extension APIs.
- We make requests, to visited URLs over a time window, and parse the pages.
- We extract topics based on these which we store on your client.
- We then generate recommendations through these stored topics.
- All search history processing is done on the client (i.e. your browser). You don't have to worry about privacy concerns.
- In the future we aim to move to more sophisticated ML models to recommend topics, in which case we plan to move over to a backend stack based on differentially private ML. TLDR: we care about the privacy of your data :)