- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Docker should be installed and running on your machine.
- Node.js and npm should be installed on your machine.
- PostgreSQL 15.3
Clone the project repository to your local machine.
Open a terminal and navigate to the project's root directory.
Install all the dependencies by running the following command
npm install
Update the
Open the project folder in your preferred text editor and navigate to the
directory. -
Locate the
file and open itUpdate the following fields in the config.json file with your own PostgreSQL information:
{ "database": { "host": "db", "port": 5432, "database": "likes", "user": "postgres", "password": "pra123156" } }
Your updated
file should reflect your correct PostgreSQL connection details. -
Running the Containers and Database
Make sure you are in the project's root directory.
Run the following command to start the containers:
docker-compose up -d --build
- This command will build and start the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
The containers should start successfully. You can check them in Docker Desktop App.
Open Postman to test the API routes.
- Use the following URLs to test the routes:
- POST http://localhost:3000/like Request body:
"user_id": "123",
"content_id": "47"
This route will store a "like" event for the specified user and content.
- GET http://localhost:3000/hasLiked/:user_id/:content_id
- Replace :user_id and :content_id with the actual user ID and content ID values.
This route will check if the specified user has liked the specified content.
- GET http://localhost:3000/totalLikes/:content_id
- Replace :content_id with the actual content ID value.
This route will fetch the total number of likes for the specified content.
- Make sure you have set up the application by following the instructions mentioned above.
To run the functional tests, perform the following steps:
- Open a terminal and navigate to the project's root directory.
Run the following command
node functional-tests/test.js
It will send HTTP requests to the likes microservice and validate the responses. The results of each test case will be displayed in the terminal.
The test.js file contains the following test cases:
Testing the "like" route: This test case sends a POST request to the /like route with the user_id and content_id parameters. It verifies the response status and logs the response data.
Testing the "hasLiked" route: This test case sends a GET request to the /hasLiked route with the user_id and content_id query parameters. It checks if the user has liked the post and logs the response status and data.
Testing the "totalLikes" route: This test case sends a GET request to the /totalLikes route with the content_id query parameter. It retrieves the total number of likes for the post and logs the response status and data.