Important Career Resources
Previously recorded career lessons
Topic Theme
Lesson & Link
Application Tracking Systems (ATS) & Interviewing
Applicant Tracking Systems & Behavioral Interviewing
Cold Outreach
Cold Outreach w/ guest Michael Zimmerman from Lambda’s Solutions team
Follow-up Communications & Negotiating
Cover Letters (updated)
Cover letters
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome
Introvert Networking Tips
Knowing Yourself: Introvert Networking Tips
Job application and interview prep
Job Description Breakdown
Job Searching
Job Searching During the Holidays
Job Searching
Job Search Strategy
Job Searching / Sourcing
Job Sourcing Locally
Grit: Tips for persevering in the job search
Negotiation Preparation
Never Split the Difference
Networking Fundamentals
Networking before the holidays
Networking planning
Networking and cold out reach
Networking: Informational Interviewing
Networking & Informational Interviewing w/ guest Andrew Koerner from Tesla
Networking: Internships, Freelance & Informational Interviews
Networking and an informational interview with a small dev business owner
On-boarding to a new job w/ Chief People Officer Mark Frein
Professional Branding
Professional Branding Workshop
Public Profiles
Public Profiles FAQ
Recruiter perspective
Recruiter Ask Me Anything (AMA)
Video Resumes
Knowing Yourself
Developing Yourself During a Job Search
Working Remotely
Remote Employment
Job Searching/Sourcing
Souring Opportunities
You can now embed plunks easily once you have saved them. Plunker will provide you with the code needed to embed a plunk in the share menu of the editor. You can also share the embed url as a means to show off a preview of your code.
<iframe style="border: 1px solid #999; width: 100%; height: 300px"
src="" frameborder="0"
You can add query parameters to the embed url to affect the starting state of the embedded view. The parameters are as follows:
Select the starting view of the embedded plunk which can be any of the following:
(default): Show a preview of the plunkcode
: Show the code behind the plunkreadme
: Show the markdown-compiled version of
file if and only if that file exists
Select the initial file to be displayed in the code view. The value of this parameter should be one of the files actually contained in the plunk.