A curated list of resources for studying category theory. As resources aimed at mathematicians are abundant, this list is aimed at materials whose target audience is not people with a graduate-level mathematics background.
Let me know what's missing- preferably by creating a pull request!
- Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory by Fong, Spivak
- Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories by Schanuel, Lawvere
- Category theory for Programmers by Milewski
- Polynomial Functors: A General Theory of Interaction by Spivak, Niu
- Draft of "Categorical Systems Theory" by Jaz Myers
- Category theory for the Sciences by Spivak
- What is Applied Category Theory? by Bradley
- The Joy of Abstraction by Eugenia Cheng
- Categories and Compositionality with a view to Applications (WIP) by Censi, Lorand, and Zardini
- John Baez's course on Applied Category Theory
- Applied Category Theory at Topos Institute
- The Catsters
- Bartosz Milewski's video lectures
- Programming with Categories
- Categorical mathematics and software engineering for compositional modeling and simulation
- Category Theoretic Agent-Based Modeling