- Mario Alcaraz: 25%
- Adrián Berenguer: 25%
- Madani ElMrabet: 25%
- Javier Rodríguez: 25%
An ultra-intuitive implementation of the NFT marketplace to reach people with little experience in NFTs developed by:
- Mario Alcaraz Fuentes
- Adrian Berenguer Agullo
- Javier Rodriguez Juan
- Madani El Mrabet Martinez
DSS-G4 LINK: https://trello.com/b/BBHhAP4a/dss-g4-03-proyecto
If it's your first time: https://trello.com/invite/b/BBHhAP4a/73532471bd6a74e678979bf3e1288b8e/dss-g4-03-proyecto