JavaScript Style Guide based on airbnb/base
This style guide is based on the airbnb/base javascript style
for node.js
Also, some customizations are inspired by Roman Krejčík's
In addition, this package ships with ava eslint rules for **/*.test.js
callback-return: [2, ['callback', 'next']]
Force developers to return when they call a callback function. This is following RisingStack's recommendations on Node.js Best Practices
handle-callback-err: [2, '^.*(e|E)rr']
Always check for errors in callbacks - to round-up the callback convention
max-len [1, 120, 2, {ignoreComments: true}]
Sometimes, a rule in the editor is just not enough. This rule raises a warning if a code line is
longer than 120
characters (while comments are ignored)
no-use-before-define ['error', { functions: false, classes: true, variables: true }]
disallow use of variables and classes but not functions before they are defined.
Also see Risingstack's Post on clean code.
Our default export lints ES2016 and below, only requires eslint
Check for your node's version compatibility with ES2016.
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-oniyi eslint
- add
"extends": "oniyi"
to your.eslintrc.js