Results can be found here:
The current libraries I am testing are:
musicmetadata - leetreveil's fork (currently active)
- Reads all data + images
- Mostly implemented support for duration support
- at the time of writing, 1 open issue. Last commit less than a day ago
node-taglib - by nikhilm.
- Reads metadata and normalises (no image support)
- Write support for metadata read
- Song length is calculated and is present on every song
- at the time of writing, 13 open issues. Last commit a month ago
id3js - by 43081j
- Read support including image reading
- No duration support
- at the time of writing, 3 open issues. Last commit 10 days ago
If I have left out your library please let me know in an issue.
- Must be native JS or of comparable speed (i.e. node-taglib). Libraries that execute external programs will not be included.
- Library must be available through npm
The song I used for testing contained all the basic attributes as well as being freely available from the Social Club website
Its details:
Title: Hawaiian Punch
Artist: Social Club
Album: MISFIT B-Sides
Year: 2012
Cover art: Present